


7 years, 2 months ago


Name: Cade 22195

Nicknames/Alias: Crazy, Cee, 

Age: ???

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Asexual

Date of Birth: ???

Nationality:.Cy-dejin, New Eo moon 2, Haite 1 system

Occupation:  Pilot

AppearanceCade is an elflike alien with messily styled black hair with a white mohawk. he's got a visible ocular implant in one eye that is slightly bigger than his normal iris.

He also has both arms and legs replaced with high-tech robotic limbs. he's thin with light yellow green skin with black markings over his eyes, and scars on his arms and legs as well as an etched scar on his chest.


The Planet Cade is from and much so the space station he lives on is vastly overpopulated, it's highly technological and the social structure is strict. 

It's ruled by what is called the 3 Empresses, who are two siblings and a third artificial brain that acts like a tiebreaker, only having the future of the planet and its population in mind. 

Before they came to rule, during the last great galactic war, their mother, the Brood mother, suddenly retrieved all her subjects, put up a massive psychic shield, and promptly EMP-nuked the neighboring solar systems. 

This fried the closest ring of planets, leaving a dead barrier around the Haite system, as well as destroying the technology of any planets facing the system in a bigger ring around it. this was unprompted, and then when hailed the outside world was met with cold quiet nothing, hostile patrols around the Dead ring, and radio silence. the great invading enemy was defeated, but at the cost of anything else living around Sol-Haite

The system has been closed since, but a small trading port has been opened on a space station surrounding the Far moon Eo.  This is where Cade works.

While young you have almost no rights, from when you get drained out of your cloning vat, chipped, and set off with your randomized dataset. you get sorted by your genetic makeup. drone, warrior, worker, royal. 

Cade is a drone, smaller and sleeker than workers and warriors. often cloned to do tasks that do not require fighting, brawn or muscles.

Drones often become doctors, pilots, computer workers, and clerks. 

After your programmable education, you specialize, and depending on what you excel at you get sent to different houses, to work and learn under a trade house, lead by a matriarch.

Cade works in medicine, doing biotech, he never thought he fit in well with others, having loud opinions that he struggled to keep down, and often acting out, struggling with headaches, unbeknownst to him, from a defect in the control chip (veilchip) in his head. 

Cade got his legs replaced with tech after an accident but filed a formal paper to get his arms replaced later in his career. 

He'd also test prototypes on himself eventually leading to him replacing one of his own eyes on his own in his shared dormitory. Something his Matriarch disapproved of, when she found out, giving him a stern talking to, thinking he was going too far. 

Too much free will and free time is no good for a rebellious youngling after all. 

Cade rebelled by doing a little impromptu brain surgery to see if he could figure out what was wrong with his veilchip, ending up breaking it and removing it altogether, hiding the evidence and saying nothing.

Cade being curious beyond his own good, and having a keen interest in offworlders and traders, resulted in him sneaking off to repair black market tech, and smuggling illegal things from the moon up to sell to the ships that sometimes docked at the spaceport. he worked slowly and secretly save up credits, planning to buy himself a spot on a trading vessel when time saw fit.

he decided he needed a fitting distraction to get away unnoticed, so he set up a small explosive device in the laboratory where he worked, set a timer, and took a run for it. 

getting on the first and best ship out of there, in the chaos, panic and decompression. feeling a small twinge of remorse, but also feeling like he could start anew now. 

jumping ships a few times at spacedocks and fueling stations, Cade eventually found a vessel willing to take him out of the system without much fuzz, trading a piece of tech for letting him hide it out in the cargo hold.

This ship unfortunately got targeted by pirates.

but not unfortunately for Cade. 

The pilot of this ship was also a Cy-dejin, he noticed Cade hiding in between boxes as the pirate ship's crew was looting the place and demanded they take him on board as well. Egom was a soldier from before Cy-Dejin nuked the world and closed its borders, having suffered a bullet to the head damaging his Veilchip, making them in a sense, in similar boats, defectors.

Egom being surprised to see kin so far from the homeworld, got the youngling set down, listened to his story and offered him a place on the ship, something the captain protested, but had to agree to, better to have to deal with a kid or risk losing the favour of the best pilot you've ever had. 

having a medic who also knew their way around technology and could fix and repair almost anything was a gift for the small vessel and he did small work and helped the crew medically in trade for getting taught how to fly a ship properly. quickly the captain of the smuggler's vessel found out that Cade was a natural talent, tho reckless. but with a bit of guidance and teaching, he was given a permanent spot on the ship. 

honing his piloting skills and working well under stress, and the threat of being shot at, he formed a sort of bond with Egom, someone who was also a loud and outspoken misfit just like him.

Until Egom dies and Cade gets in a big fight with the captain about how a body is supposed to be treated at death. Stubbornly going against his captain's wishes and scavenging Egom's body for parts in secret, getting caught and beat up, ruining everything he was a part of. 

He remains on the ship as its pilot reluctantly, honing his skills and seething.

skillfully avoiding the Galactic space force's ships and anything else out to catch them. Only to plot and plan a grand betrayal and turn them in to the Galactic police force out of spite a few years later.

Seeing himself stagnate and never being more than a smuggler, drug runner, getaway driver for criminals made Cade bored, and when time was right, he set up a secret deal with a military ship pursuing them, that he would offer up his renown piloting skills, get a proper pilots education and a lessened sentence, in trade for giving up the ship, its cargo and the crew.

so after a hasty and hushed down trial, a brief stint in a holding cell, getting his energy source removed and replaced with one that isn't spewing out weird radiation, washed and decontaminated(kicking and screaming) He finally gets sendt off to a Galactic federation space station to learn how to pilot and become an upstanding citizen... where he is once again an outcast, because his race is seen as cold, brutal genocidal fucks, with a loose trigger finger, weapons of mass destruction and a brainwashing dictatorship. 

so thats fun.