🔪 The Spy 🍇 (🔪 INVERSE AU)



2 years, 1 month ago



the au where everyone's personalities are opposite/inverted to what they originally are in canon, I'll write full profiles on all of em later so just know they're all huge assholes in this au LOL


okay it's later TIME TO WRITE SPY'S because his is the one I think abt the most (of course)

One of spy's biggest traits in canon is that he puts up the image of being the best/having a big ego but in reality, he hates himself. In this au that's inverted, so this version of spy pretends to hate himself, but in reality is just using it as a way to get what he wants.

His basic personality here can be summarized as him being one of those "uwu soft boys" on twitter who act like some anime character then turn around and say/do vile things behind closed doors. 

He's incredibly popular online for his "crybaby" persona, to the point he weaponizes his fans to attack anyone who tries to call him out on his act. If you dare to challenge him he'll simply just live stream him crying about it in order to garner sympathy again (and also so his fans will go and take down whoever called him out)

Though, when he's in person it's a different story. Spy is revered not because he achieved anything great or anything like that, but more like they kind of Have To. In the Inverse Au Spy is Anya's favorite student and she is NOT shy about it, she makes everyone be nice to him (even if he's acting like a little shit) and spoils him dry. If you say a mean word about him you WILL face consequences, so it's kind of impossible for anyone to fight back against him (at least until the Inverse!WOP come along and kick his ass because they don't give a shit).

Additionally, compared to his canon counterpart, he's lazy as HELL and doesn't work for shit. He'll manipulate other people into doing work FOR him and then take all the credit (this primarily shows with the LOC in this au, as he forces him to conceptualize his entire machine plan just so he can bask in all of the glory for it later.) + He'll use physically force if it means getting his way, or cry about it to Anya, whatever works best for the situation. He'll cheat his way all the way to the top and get away with it with NO consequence.

So yeah he's a POS in this AU LMFAO. Fuck this guy. Hate him with all my heart. Would kick him down the stairs