


3 years, 7 months ago



From Avarris

This article is about The god, Naenarvas. For the rest of the species, check Arivir Encyclopedia.

The moon god
Here, have a placeholder cat image.
- Unknown
The Great Ruins
The Moon Dragon
Patron of Vamarris
God of the Moon, night skies, chaos
Marital State
Sexual Orientation
None (Father)
None (Mother)

Naenarvas is most commonly known as the god who cursed Avarris with vampire's disease and lycantrophy. The Order of the Fang is created in their name and they even managed to summon the god to the Great Ruins and capture them there. Naenarvas did create Vamarris, but not for the hostile intentions everyone always seems to assume. They only wanted to make sure the new species their brother and sister-in-law could see the gorgeous night sky they had made for the new world.

Naenarvas' lesser known and original divine charge was the moons and the night, working in tandem with the sun goddess Ankarresh, as well as managing the moons and their cycles. They have become estranged with their brother after deciding a little chaos wouldn't hurt the world. Sadly they didn't realize how wrong they would end up being.

Naenarvas isn't hostile in nature, in fact they're simply very misunderstood. They are mischievious and chaotic, almost child-like. They are also very lonely as people don't really worship them anymore, and they aren't allowed to walk the mortal realm like their brother A'vock. They would love to right their wrongs to the people, but sadly they are far past the point of curing the curse they accidentally brought upon the world.

Naenarvas, despite being indirectly the cause of Ankarresh's death, does not see themself like that. They strongly believe it was all just an accident and that A'vock took it too hard. They get along fairly well with Ankarresh' sibbling, Nij'rul, as the forest goddess looks up to them for their curse. Although it is nice for Naenarvas to have a friend now, they believe that Nij'rul only takes an interest in them for the wrong reason, as she is very vocal about disliking the Avarris.

Early life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices eros est, quis tincidunt ex elementum at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam sollicitudin est vel ornare convallis. Aliquam pellentesque eleifend neque, ornare mollis neque egestas vitae. Etiam varius nisl ac sem tempus, non pellentesque felis finibus. Morbi congue bibendum enim, id feugiat odio pretium nec. Aenean non ante fermentum, facilisis erat dignissim, porta risus. Integer sodales orci vel nulla aliquet, tincidunt aliquet urna sodales.

Duis consequat ante at ex finibus, eget viverra tellus fermentum. In diam justo, rhoncus a molestie nec, porttitor vel magna. Phasellus tincidunt a mi eget placerat. Curabitur volutpat ut mi quis dignissim. Nulla commodo, justo at semper sagittis, neque risus laoreet lorem, a bibendum tortor nibh sit amet lectus. Donec et tincidunt ipsum. Pellentesque iaculis leo lacus, vitae elementum magna suscipit sed.

University years

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed nisi sapien. Quisque ac nulla eu justo porta placerat. Duis eu rhoncus dolor. Maecenas non aliquet diam. Aliquam suscipit, augue ut fermentum luctus, ligula lacus maximus nulla, sit amet vehicula nibh mi sed elit. Vivamus imperdiet, enim sed blandit euismod, metus dolor fermentum nibh, non pulvinar augue metus eget enim. Quisque eget mollis diam, sed sodales ligula. Praesent finibus turpis eu arcu semper mattis non at turpis. Vivamus eu porta dui. Vivamus arcu massa, suscipit ac vestibulum eget, mattis aliquet libero. Curabitur venenatis massa sed nulla hendrerit lacinia et eu ex.

Aenean orci orci, pulvinar eu porttitor id, posuere et diam. Maecenas ante elit, varius et tempor et, posuere a ex. Nullam ac consectetur ipsum, fermentum rhoncus sapien. Cras ut dapibus dui, sed egestas dui. Praesent eget lectus dolor. Quisque vestibulum rhoncus nisl eu pharetra. Curabitur tortor leo, tincidunt vel sagittis eget, gravida ut nunc. Nunc sodales aliquet diam, sit amet molestie magna venenatis non. Integer hendrerit porta neque et euismod. Nunc semper tristique augue.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed nisi sapien. Quisque ac nulla eu justo porta placerat. Duis eu rhoncus dolor. Maecenas non aliquet diam. Aliquam suscipit, augue ut fermentum luctus, ligula lacus maximus nulla, sit amet vehicula nibh mi sed elit. Vivamus imperdiet, enim sed blandit euismod, metus dolor fermentum nibh, non pulvinar augue metus eget enim. Quisque eget mollis diam, sed sodales ligula. Praesent finibus turpis eu arcu semper mattis non at turpis. Vivamus eu porta dui. Vivamus arcu massa, suscipit ac vestibulum eget, mattis aliquet libero. Curabitur venenatis massa sed nulla hendrerit lacinia et eu ex.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sed nisi sapien. Quisque ac nulla eu justo porta placerat. Duis eu rhoncus dolor. Maecenas non aliquet diam. Aliquam suscipit, augue ut fermentum luctus, ligula lacus maximus nulla, sit amet vehicula nibh mi sed elit. Vivamus imperdiet, enim sed blandit euismod, metus dolor fermentum nibh, non pulvinar augue metus eget enim. Quisque eget mollis diam, sed sodales ligula. Praesent finibus turpis eu arcu semper mattis non at turpis. Vivamus eu porta dui. Vivamus arcu massa, suscipit ac vestibulum eget, mattis aliquet libero. Curabitur venenatis massa sed nulla hendrerit lacinia et eu ex.


Design Notes

  • Naenarvas' horns and markings change according to the current phase of the moon. As the moons are two different sizes, their horns also occasionally show different phases, for exmple the big horns can be on full moon, while the smaller ones are depicting a waning cresent.
  • Their appearance changes depending on the Avarris-species that depicts them. Their most common (and real) appearance looks closest to the Da'eru Avarris.
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  • They are quite sad about their estrangement with their big brother A'vock.
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See also