Fia Fulhearti



3 years, 9 months ago


Fia Fulhearti is a somewhat brash, sarcastic, yet highly competent magician. 

She has a special talent with flame magic, however, she does know other basic magic like demon banishment. She is thought of by some as a demon; seeing as her aptitude towards fire magic rivals that of a demon (her personality doesn't help).

She enjoys enchanted jewelry shopping but will rarely wear the jewelry she buys.

She is highly dyslexic and is almost allergic to reading anything longer than a few words. This isn't solely due to her dyslexia; she simply doesn't have the patience to read for long periods of time. 

She is a horrible cook and will burn anything she tries to make. She likes sugar baked sweets. Especially vanilla cake.

Her friends are Valery (GF) and Greeley (Frienemy). She also has a tamed hellhound named Nathaniel. (non of them are on here yet oops)