Polka's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Limerami Global Rules

edited: 6.1.2024
A link to an adopt T.O.S but the rules are also listed below 

Adopt and custom design T.O.S

🌟The character is yours after purchase, but I would appreciate for it to not be hidden after buying. You can give me authorization or a key to view it if possible🌟

- I am allowed to post my designs and adoptables on my portfolio, social media and commission info.

- The buyer owns the character, however I retain the right to create species and do designs with similar vibes.

- I must remain the original designer. You can add yourself as an additional designer if you have made big changes to the character such as colored a sketch design etc.

NEW I have a personal graylist of users I am less likely to do business with due to ghosting/backing out (without letting me know). I don’t mind if someone sells my designs to them however.

Where to find me:



1) ✅Owner of the adopt can:✅

- Add scars, accessory, jewelry, clothing, change gender, make a human/anthro/animal version (as long as it remains recognizable)

- Trade, gift, raffle and resell the character. This applies to free, traded and purchased characters. However, there has to be added art either own or commissioned before selling for a higher price! Please be reasonable with pricing as well. Art acquired for free such as gift art and art fight pieces doesn’t count to the price

- Use it in stories, RP with them and add them to a comic/game/story etc. See below for commercial use

- Make nsfw art of the adopt if the character and the buyer is 18+

- Co-own my designs with someone else

2) ⛔️Owner of the adopt can not:⛔️

- Change the design completely until it becomes unrecognizable. If you however wish to redesign it, that’s fine, but don’t sell/trade the old and new versions as separate designs

- Re-create or copy the design and/or make an open/closed species out of it (however, if the character is a species inside a story or comic for example, that is fine as long as they are not made into an open/closed species). I also don’t mind if the buyer wants to add the character to an existing open/closed species

- Alter the artwork itself and/or remove my signature. However, in some cases I may be able to provide a lineart or file if the buyer wishes to alter colors etc. But please contact me first before making any edits to the art itself

- Make nsfw art if the character is feral (unless the character is very fantasy-like e.g. a dragon and is clearly sentient and capable of consent) or it otherwise is/looks like a child

- Claim the design as one's own

3) 🌐Other notes:🌐

📌Commercial use: the owner can add the character to any of their project, although I'd like to be informed about it first especially if it is commercial (I won’t be asking for royalties, it is just out of interest to see what the character is being used in)

- Please don't turn the art piece itself I have made into merchandise (for non-personal use). Also don’t reupload it anywhere without proper credit(s).

- The owner of the character can sell merchandise (stickers, prints etc.) of the character/design as long as my art is not used in the product.

- If the character is added to a comic/game etc. a mention or credit would be appreciated somewhere at least the first time the character appears. After that it is up to the buyer if they mention me. Of course the buyer can’t still claim the character as theirs.

- I never revoke ownership of designs unless I never receive the initial payment or if I receive a chargeback.

- If someone would break the rules I would let them know in DMs and ask them to stop. If they continue or they block/has blocked me I’ll put the person in a personal gray/blacklist and refuse to do further business with them.

🔅 I would prefer if the art(s) I have drawn is not used in anywhere as is, especially reposted. But if it is added to a character ref art, I don’t mind if one of my social media page (see above) is added and credit is clearly visible that the character is originally made and designed by me.

‼️My adopts/customs and art may not be used as a mascot/advertisement for any kind of hate, homophobic, transphobic, racist, pedofilic, zoo etc. content! This includes AI learning and minting them into any sort of NFTs!