Graham "Eli" Rye (MHU)



3 years, 9 months ago



Name: Graham “Eli” Rye

Birthday: February 15th

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 5’5”

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity: Japanese/Caucasian

Nationality: American

Blood Type: O-

Roommates: --

Immediate Family: Mother, Janice Rye.  Eli is adopted!  Which is relevant because...

(Birth) Mother: Pauline Hanamura || Heat Regulation (can redistribute heat throughout her body to cause damage)

(Birth) Father: Grant Hanamura || Equalizing Touch (can heal others at the cost of his own energy)


  • Chase Hanamura- Meat Heat Mania
  • Jason Hanamura- Sucker Punch
  • Naomi Hanamura- Pouch

Hero Stats

Hero Name: Elishama, Soothsayer Triumphant

Quirk: [ Rejuvenating Oracle of the Divines- This quirk equalizes Eli’s stamina with the target’s.  In other words, it allows for him to heal injuries of varying degrees, at a sliding cost of his own health.  Provided physical contact with the target, he is able to heal small cuts and scrapes within a few seconds with very little cost to himself.  He can heal something like a stab or puncture wound with at least 30 seconds of maintained contact, but will need a few moments to restore his energy (often, resting or having a snack is sufficient).  Broken bones can be healed after at least a minute of maintained contact, but will remain sore, since it is only the bone itself that is healing.  Eli, if at full health, can heal wounds of this severity maybe three times before he runs out of energy completely.  In the event of a lost limb or a serious injury along that nature, he would be able to stop the bleeding and close the wound with maintained contact of a minute or so, but he CANNOT regenerate lost limbs.

His quirk also cannot heal illnesses-- he can, at best, give someone who is down with the flu a bit of an energy boost with maintained contact of a few seconds, but it won't do anything to combat the actual sickness.  He will need to rest a bit afterward, though.

All that being said, Eli believes that the quirk is activated by speaking prophetic words over the target.  In reality, he does not actually have to impart a prophecy, or say anything for that matter, for the effect to take!  This won’t stop him from doing it.


  • The user must maintain physical contact (typically Eli’s hand touching their shoulder, forehead, etc) with the target long enough for the transmission to take.
  • It comes at a cost to Eli’s energy.  He can only perform it once before needing to rest for a couple of minutes, and only a few times before needing substantial rest.
  • The target is gonna have to tolerate Eli and his weird prophet shit long enough for the effect to take (typically 30 seconds to a minute, depending on the severity of the injuries).

Primary Course Focus: Medicine


Personality: Graham (known by most as Eli) is quite the sight to behold.  If he has an opinion, he will make it known.  He’s not necessarily snobbish or rude, at least not intentionally; he just has absolutely no social skills.  He will simply say what is on his mind with no tact.  Despite all appearances, he’s actually quite extroverted, and will have little qualms with whatever company he manages to keep.  He takes himself very seriously, and will prophesy over your life.  Believing himself to be a divine oracle of the Dreamscape (where dreams come from), he will offer unsolicited revelations to anybody who can tolerate his presence.  

Eli is a bit unaware of the world around him.  In order to insulate himself in the belief that he actually is some kind of divine prophet, he speaks in verbose riddles and tends to mystify everyday mundane occurrences.  His vocabulary is also thick with pretentious synonyms, which is partially to compensate for the speech impediment he had as a child.  Despite appearances and his obsession with something as mystical and nebulous as "the dreamscape", he is quite intelligent, and a quick learner.  He taught himself how to use a computer, and creates digital art almost exclusively in Microsoft Excel.

While he can be self-absorbed and have a difficult time getting out of his own head, he does care about the people around him and generally skews toward benevolence.  He often prioritizes others before himself ("what prophet wouldn't?") and can be a bit self-sacrificing and accommodating once he finds someone he truly trusts and admires.  He has a difficult time navigating others' emotional processes (because he has a hard enough time navigating his OWN), so he can come across as unsympathetic or cruel at times.  He is eager to help others, though that help is usually imparting unwanted, impractical advice.


  • Rabbits
  • Fish (as pets)
  • Ruminating on the metaphysical significance of dreams
  • Soup


  • Most meat (allergy)
  • Toast
  • iOS
  • Realists

History: Graham was born in Canada, though ended up in Michigan when he was five.  He doesn’t remember anything before that so it’s probably not important!  He was adopted by mothers Janice and Ellie Rye, who were supportive of his active imagination from an early age.  

One night, while the weather channel was playing, Graham fell asleep and had a dream about a terrible thunderstorm.  When he awoke the next morning, sure enough a thunderstorm swept through the town, leaving minor damage to a fence across the street.

It was at that point Graham knew, in his heart of hearts, that he was a prophet with a divine purpose.

Years later, he would have a dream, then another, and another, about Ellie dying.  He was terrified that this would come to be, so he begged her to stay home… which she did!  She also ended up getting injured that day, but as Graham rushed to her side and shook her shoulders, babbling about her Promising Future (because he didn’t know what else to do at 11 years old), she recovered, thanks to his newly discovered quirk!  While she was still wobbly on her feet, it was clear that she was healed, and his nightmare wouldn’t come to pass.

Not immediately, anyway.  She would die of complications four years later.

As one would suspect, Graham didn't have many friends or much of a social life, so he would bury himself in schoolwork because the closest thing he could get to moral support is his teachers giving him an A on a project.  Despite his overall weirdness, he enjoyed academia in general.  He never really understood people lamenting that "we'll never use trigonometry in real life" because it was so interesting to learn about in the first place!

Graham would graduate with excellent grades (not quite the top of his class but definitely up there), and found a scholarship to a medical school.  His (living) mother is a cardiologist, and she's essentially his hero, so why would ne not pursue that same path? 

One night, after cramming for a med final, he had a dream about arguing with someone on Twitter over anime.  He then created an account, where he first took on the name Elishama, which is where "Eli" comes from.  His tweets about the dreamscape and his destiny would go viral, but for all the wrong reasons.

Eli would then decide that he could not stand idly by any longer, and he had to embrace his destiny… and hone his skills once and for all, in order to fight off the calamity he’s so sure he foresees.  He's heard about Schuyer University-- who hasn't?  So he sets his sights to apply... but first, he's got to finish pre-med!

Since Eli has no social life to worry about, pulling off immaculate grades isn't as difficult as it could be.  Unfortunately, though, it did cause him to be inactive for awhile on twitter.  While he slacks on sharing his prophetic words, he'll make up for it with interest as he sends his application to Schuyer University, impressive transcript included.


  • Eli believes that the moon is the source of the dreamscape’s power.
  • Eli’s beliefs in the metaphysical are complex, elaborate, and prone to changing on a whim, depending on what sounds cooler in the moment.
  • While he takes himself very seriously, Eli does have a sense of humor!  It’s easy to miss under All Of That, though.
  • Eli’s typing speed is 100 wpm.  This has nothing to do with any sort of quirk or ability, he’s just extremely online.
  • Eli has a mild case of hemophobia (a subconscious result of childhood trauma), which means that he's moderately uncomfortable around excessive blood.  He's not really affected by his own, like if he gets a paper cut he'll be fine.  But if there's a serious injury where someone is bleeding significantly, he will leave them to others to help if he can.  Otherwise, he'll use his quirk, but he'll probably have to close his eyes.
  • He has medical know-how and experience from majoring in Biological Science.  Despite this, he will still mystify the healing process.