Odyssey's Comments

Heyo! Lmk if ive any babs or Wips that youd be ok with swapping! Id even be happy with doing a custom oc or artwork for em! ^^ 

sorry i didnt see anyone but id be down to take artwork for em lmk what ud be cool with doing!

Awesome! Id be good to do a fullbody and possibly an icon ontop of that for em! If yas have a discord to make it easier to talk mines grimm_the_reaper


discord is having trouble finding ur user but mine is also citrangedyke there if u can find me hahah

discord is having trouble finding ur user but mine is also citrangedyke there if u can find me hahah

Alr lolz! I sent a rq! I may've just accidentally mistyped my user name ^^ 

Does anyone on my open for offers folder interests you?

i didnt see anyone sorry!
