
Got from: AstrophiliaSales
Obtained by: Free (Was a Write To Adopt)


Name: Thistle
Gender: Female/She-Cat
Pronouns: She/her
Rank/Clan: Loner (Was previously a clan cat)

Fur Coat: lilac-cream broken Mackeral caliby

Thistle has an attitude & authority problem towards others due to her past. She sometimes gets herself in trouble because she isn't afraid of saying what's on her mind, especially to higher-ups. Thistle prefers to be alone due to her repetitive negative experiences when involved in clans or with other cats. She believes relying on others is just a waste of time. 

When she was previously involved in a few clans, a few fellow clan members would make up lies about how she wasn't doing her part, even though she was. She's tried her paws at becoming a Medicine Cat & then a Warrior since she was intrigued by both roles.  Unfortunately, both mentors didn't give her the time of day as they deemed her not "Good Enough" or they would just be perfectionists and expected too much from a newcomer and outsider.

When the lies were being told to the leader, they believed their fellow clan members over whatever she said in defense..even though she was in the right

Due to her past of dealing with toxic cats of both genders, she lacks trust and empathy for those who are higher in rank than her. She believes the ranking system is a bunch of bullshit and just prefers to be by herself.