Ladybird 💫



3 years, 9 months ago


adopted from OwOMode on dA

* androgyne (they/he/she)
* can only see out of his right eye, as the flowers are obscuring the left one
      * then again i dont know how well she can see out of That eye either considering the drippy situation
* flowers are a part of them and cannot be removed; it hurts if you try and remove them
      * they're not doing anything bad to him though they're just sort of There
* can make her tail glow and uses it to communicate when he's not up for talking
* wings flutter really fast like a typical insect
* he's either bug-sized or animal-sized and i'm not sure which. both?

* not sure what his disposition is like yet, though he seems like he's not usually a talker, if he's even verbal at all
* really enjoys insects, especially fireflies, ladybugs, butterflies and moths
* he also has a soft spot for crickets and loves listening to them at night along with the frogs. it's a very calming sound
* she probably knows how to imitate the sounds of various insects. but also make animal noises like purr or growl or bark or chirp or whatever.
* i love them