


3 years, 9 months ago



Basic Info
NamePanera Lilium 
Age 23
BirthdayApril 7th
Height 5'2 / 159cm
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Minccino
Origin Castelia City
VoiceSaiko-Chan: (Saiko no Sutoka)
MovesAttract / Covet / Protect / Retaliate
OrientationHomosexual / Biromantic
Occupation Tiny Tea Shop
Status Happily Taken~
  • Percy Percy Percy Percy Percy Percy♡
  • Sweets / Candies / Sugary Treats
  • Kawaii Fashion
  • Being with his Boyfriend
  • Anyone that tries to take his boyfriend away from him.
  • Wasabi
  • White Chocolate 
  • Negative Comments
  • He absolutely adores cuddles! He leans more on being the big spoon.

  • While he is a yandere, he is not in the slightest abusive or toxic towards his boyfriend. He would never do anything intentional to hurt him. His obsessiveness towards him can become overbearing though. He's always leaving gifts at Percy's door, constantly writing him love letters, and bombing him with affection. His thoughts are just full of Percy and Percy only.

  • Has a 2-count kill streak (There's probably more) He avoids killing if he must but will never miss up an opportunity to do so.

  • He doesn't kill for sport. He only kills those who get in the way of his and Percy's love.

    He absolutely adores kawaii fashion; Fairy Kei in particular!

    He writes romance stories and poems in his free time. It's a hobby he enjoys and uses it as a means to cope with his own obsessive thoughts. It also helps him manage whenever he can't be with Percy.

    Pancake has a strong love for all things cute! He is particularly fond of soft, smaller animals as well as cute snacks! Sweets and candy decorated in cute packaging are his favorite.

    He owns two little baby hamsters named Muffin and Waffles. One is a Winter White Dwarf and the other is a Chinese hamster.

    His move set is admittedly rather weak and because of it, Pancake carries knives and scissors as a form of physical protection. He's also skilled in self-defense; (hence the move 'Retaliate' )

    He has social media! He posts cute content to his accounts like showcasing his kawaii outfit of the day or adorable photos of his pet hamsters. He has a bit of a following!

    He owns many cute plushies and stuffed animals. His dream is to open up a cutesy stuffed animal cafe one day.

    He loves knifes - sharp objects in general. He collects them.

    He's very fond of makeup and enjoys wearing it. He likes getting the opportunity to do his friend's makeup or nails.

    He has a decent relationship with his adoptive parents. Unfortunately, he's never developed that family bond with them as he still considers his biological parents his 'real parents.' He still cares for his adoptive parents of course! He sees them as his friends.

    He is undiagnosed with Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD) and Uncomplicated PTSD. He unfortunately does not see a therapist and is not medicated for any of his conditions. Symptoms usually occur through triggers.  

    He's super fond of singing! He carries a very beautiful voice. He adores making love songs for his boyfriend.


Yandere . Obsessive . Sweet . Possessive . Affectionate . Loving . Caring . Protective . Ambiverted 
♡ "I can't stop thinking about him!"

Pancake is a sugary sweet person that has a delicate face to match ♡ He is naturally a very warm and goodhearted minccino with a huge fondness for all things cute. He is a very loving soul that wishes nothing but the best for those around him. He goes out of his way to help others in need and, if at all possible, attempts to make whomever he meets happy. He is incredibly soft-spoken and only speaks with words of compassion. It's simply never in his intention to be mean or harsh towards others. With those he holds dear, Pancake is highly affectionate and intimate with them, which includes lots of hugs and platonic cuddles. He believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to be happy, and he does everything he can to make those he cares for feel loved. He enjoys complementing others, which he does even when conversing with strangers. He is a ambivert and has a gentle balance of both extrovert and introvert features.

He is quite sensitive to the topic of love and becomes incredibly lovestruck/dreamy when the subject is brought up. He will talk for hours if he could about romance or romantic love. He enjoys sharing his favorite romance movies and novels! And if ever asked, he'd share some of his love-inspired stationary with friends.

He's incredibly smitten with love and experiences intense admiration towards a certain person he's more than fond of. And that one special person is his boyfriend, Percy. He's always willing to talk obsessively about his sweetheart and how much he adores him. He can be very overbearing with the love he shares with him to the point it becomes obsessive. He'll shower his boyfriend with affection on a daily basis, giving him gifts, writing him beautiful love letters, and becoming extremely lovey-dovey with him. He adores Percy to bits and would go to great lengths for him!

Unfortunately, there's a side to him that only a few people get to see. And those people are deemed a threat to him or Percy. Pancake is initially sweet and harmless until his romantic love, admiration, and devotion is being threatened. He completely snaps whenever he sees someone flirting or attempting to get with Percy, which renders him to commit acts of felony or flat out murders the person he feels is attempting to steal Percy away from him. His attachment to Percy is so great that he will do absolutely anything in his power to keep them together. And that means killing others to keep them away from what belongs to him. Although, he understands that killing would lower his chances of remaining with Percy - having him go to prison if caught or worse, Percy breaking up with him. So he avoids killing if he must and goes through other methods of elimination to get rid of any threats - such as kidnaping and using mental torture to keep them away. That, however, doesn't stop him from killing exactly. If given the right opportunity, he will murder without hesitation. It's all about timing and being in the right place. That's why he stalks and follows his victims both in person and online. He's just waiting for the perfect time to strike. Usually, his targets are whoever he perceives to be in the way of his and Percy's love, that or people who have/has harmed Percy in the past or present.

He is not a nice minccino when provoked. 






♡ Percy ♡ | (Boyfriend)
"I love you more than anything in this world! You're mine and mine only♡"

Pancake is absolutely enamored by Percy, and anything he does educes Pancake to fawn or obsess over his beloved boyfriend. He holds Percy in high regard and considers him to be perfect in his eyes. He's an absolute angel to Pancake and the little dust bunny can't ever bare to be apart from him. He adores pampering his precious boyfriend with hugs, cuddles, and kisses! He is always there for Percy, especially whenever his anxiety gets the better of him. During anxiety attacks, Pancake comforts him during these moment of distress; whether it's in person or on the phone at 3am. He always remains patient and kind, reminding Percy that while he may feel apprehension, the feeling will pass and that everything will be alright. He helps Percy walk through breathing exercises and healthy coping mechanisms on top of loving snuggle sessions. Pancake dreams about getting married to him and actively plans for that day to come. He makes sure to call or text Percy every day and always checks up on him to see how he is doing (or to simply hear his voice). Percy occupies the majority of Pancake's thoughts to the point where it becomes distracting, and his boyfriend is the only thing on his mind.

The two had met at a public restroom - Pancake had a fanboy moment when he saw Percy touching up his makeup using one of his favorite mewtuber's pallets. They began to converse about Sylver Style and eventually exchange phone numbers. At first, he saw Percy as a very close friend, but gradually formed romantic feelings for him. That is when obsessive thoughts started to come into play and the Minccino couldn't get Percy out of his head. 


Elliot | (Coworker / Friend)
"Oh silly Elliot, here let me help you put on your mascara."

Elliot is Pancake's friend and coworker. As children, they had a bit of a rough start but after awhile the two bonded and became rather close. Pancake adores his dear friend and will go to great lengths to assist him (even if that means taking up extra shifts so Elliot can take days off to recharge) They're both makeup aficionados, and so they always have a compact makeup kit in their purse in case one of them forgets. They enjoy doing each other's makeup and nails, as well as having weekly spa days at home. However, after Pancake got into a relationship, he kind of stopped hanging around Elliot as much and put all of his attention towards his boyfriend. Elliot doesn't mind, although he misses the times they did spend together. Regardless, he's glad Pancake has found love and thinks he and Percy are the cutest pair on the planet!


Precious | (Friend)
"It's alright hun, don't worry about it. I'll order your food for you."

Pancake is more careful with Precious, taking additional precautions to not scare him while also not treating him like a child. He understands where Precious' boundaries lie and knows what he is and isn't comfortable with. Because of his extreme timidness, Pancake often takes the lead when it comes to doing the talking or ordering food. (wip)


Angel | (Friend)
"Awh,! So cute and so small!"

Admittedly, Pancake felt very jealous of Angel upon first being introduced. He feared since Percy knew her much longer than he knew him, he was going to leave Pancake for her. But all was reassured when he found out Angel was a lesbian. He felt more at ease with that fact alone and grew to love her and eventually form a friendship with her! He feels silly for ever being jealous of her as she couldn't really pose much of a threat between him and Percy. He makes up for the guilt by treating her nicely and helping her with anything he can; including getting that darn box off the top shelf. 


Parker | (Brother-In-Law / Hates Deeply)
"There's no such thing as redemption."

Absolutely despises him. When Percy first opened up to Pancake about the cruel treatment and verbal/physical abuse Parker had given him, he became completely appalled by the man. Pancake made a promise to himself right then and there that he'd give Parker the karma he deserved. The only thing stopping him is Percy, who wishes to mend things right with his brother and strengthen the bond between them. This, however, doesn't stop Pancake from stalking Parker on his social media or following him in person outside of the internet. He feels Parker is a lost cause and will never become a good brother to Percy, however he cares too much about what Percy thinks and because of it, he will not harm Parker physically. 


Rylee | (Scorns)
"You will pay for what you've done."

Rylee is one of Pancake's enemies and future victims. He has the pretty boy listed next on his "To Kill List." He's met Rylee in person before, but never face-to-face. He's stalked him on numerous occasions and follows his social media religiously to grind as much information as he can about him. His name alone nauseates him and he physically feels sick just to think about him. He has refrained from bashing his head in with a crowbar multiple times, mostly due to Rylee either being in a public setting or at a bad place. He doesn't like him and wants to see him suffer from everything he put Percy through.

He's completely naïve to Rylee's own hatred towards him. He's also unaware of the photos Rylee has taken of him and Percy together, as well as the stalking/etc. Honestly, Pancake isn't sure if Rylee even knows who he is. In fact, Percy had never mentioned Rylee before, Pancake just found out by accident. Percy left his phone unattended during his stay at Pancake's home and the little dust bunny got ahold of it for his own possessive reasons. That is where he found out about everything and became angry towards this 'Rylee' person, which lead him to stalking and following Rylee until he finds the perfect opportunity to eliminate him.