Clyde Kearby



3 years, 9 months ago


Emotionally constipated and sadistic to all, including himself, after a relatively-standard military experience destroyed his sense of self, which has molded his personhood in death. One of a strangely-uniform trio of devils, he's subconsciously compelled to appear in charge and composed-- but is prone to lashing out violently when his pride is tested. Inversely, if someone has no issue putting him down, he's quick to obsess over the feeling of being pathetic as it infuriates him, and fury supplements initiative. Alex and Wesley love him, despite it all, and allow him to maintain a leadership role, if only because he's the best with reading, navigating and signing documents. He outwardly hates his arrangement to Baxter as his legionnaire, but nothing can be done about it now-- so he's managed to enjoy a sense of purpose when he can't find one himself anymore. This said, he doesn’t hate it enough to resent Wesley for encouraging it in the first place, but Wesley finds plenty of other means to embarrass him-- both for the fun of it, as well as to prompt him to "correct" things.