


3 years, 9 months ago


Real Name: Cyan Hunter
Age: 23
Geographic location: North America - she prefers the western portion of North America during the warmer months of the year and goes down to California during the winter.
Cyan is a outgoing, but has an inability to compromise. She has a tendency towards snarkiness and will use it more often than not. She has a weakness for blue eyes which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's terrified of fire.

Cyan prefers to be out doors and hates to be inside for long periods of time. She moves around a lot and works at campgrounds as she travels to earn enough to live on and move on to the next place. She does a wide range of things from guiding campers through the woods down to simple grounds maintenance. She loves to climb trees and often chooses camps simply for the interesting trees they have.

Her goals in life are relatively simple. She moves around in hopes of finding out what happened to her siblings and to find and reunite with them.

Origin Story:
Cyan isn’t a natural being, nor is she entirely human. She’s a human/feline hybrid that was created by a team of scientists as a stepping stone to creating a person that could survive for longer periods of time with minimal food and water in harsh climates. The human being they got their DNA samples from was a senshi who hadn’t awakened yet and so had no knowledge of who she really was. Because of that, some of the girl’s senshi nature was passed on to Cyan and her siblings.
The program was shut down when Cyan was five. She and her siblings were put into foster care. Over the years, they were separated and lost contact with each other. Cyan was adopted into the Hunter family at age 13.

She heard stories of the sailor senshi in Japan and wondered what it would be like to be one of them, but didn’t think she could handle running around in high heels and mini skirts. She even invented her own sailor name to be a part of the team: Sailor Tiger.

One day, she was shopping with her adoptive mother and found a diamond shaped pendant with a cat paw printed on it. It was just a cheap, plastic thing but she loved it so much that she begged for it and eventually it was purchased for her. She wore it every day on a string around her neck.

While playing in the woods behind her home one day, she was pretending to be Sailor Tiger. She happened to clutch her pendant as she was calling out “Blue Tiger, Glittering Make Up!” The next thing she knew, she’d transformed into SailorBlueTiger. It scared her so much she didn’t play that game for months.

She had a dream one night about her siblings. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence as she’d had them at least twice a week since being adopted. This was different, however. In it she dreamed that her siblings were also senshi and that they were in trouble. She woke up with an overpowering need to find them.

She spent the next several years honing her senshi powers and trying to locate her scattered siblings. As yet, she’s had no luck but remains hopeful.

Siblings: She has five brothers and sisters that she was once close to and is trying to find them again
Anna Hunter – her adoptive mother; they have a good relationship
Thomas Hunter – her adoptive father; she doesn’t really trust him so they aren’t close
Cyan doesn’t really have any friends and has never had a boyfriend, though she’s been interested in a few boys.

Hobbies - driving, reading, going for walks
Favorite food: Hawaiian Pizza, strawberries
Least Favorite Foods: Cheese, pickles, eggs

Name: Glacier
Relationship: She is Cyan/BlueTiger's animal guardian.
Short Bio:
Glacier is a little too young to be a proper guardian but she tries her best. She is the tiger cub summoned during one of BlueTiger's attacks. Most of the time, she masquerades as a stuffed toy. She's smart enough to realize that people would be suspicious of a blue tiger cub wandering around since that's not a natural colouring for tigers on this planet.
Glacier is very shy and doesn't say much. When she dopes speak, she rarely speaks in anything louder than a whisper. She's not energetic, like you would expect from a young cat, but rather prefers to sit and watch.

Tell us how they met your senshi.
Cyan, on a whim, went into a toy store after seeing Glacier in the window. She had already discovered her identity as SailorBlueTiger and the idea of owning a stuffed blue tiger appealed to her. It was quite the shock when the toy started to walk and talk on its own. After a few hours, Glacier was able to explain who she was and that she had been sent to find Cyan and help her find the others like her.

Senshi Name: SailorBluetiger

Her Mission: To protect animals everywhere (except for the tasty ones, of course)

Her Element: The color blue, tigers, and ice

Transformation Sequence: Cyan clutches her pendant (which looks just like her broach) and says, "Blue Tiger Ferocious Make Up!" Ice covers her entire body, radiating outwards from her pendant. As it shatters, her clothes are replaced by her fuku.

About the fuku:

Rather than having a back bow, she has a tiger's tail. It's not a real tail, nor is it fuzzy, but it's solid and if she were to spin around fast enough and smacked you with it, it would hurt.

Her gloves aren't just decorative. They can be used as weapons if she pulls them down. The claws are made of metal and are quite sharp.

The bell on her choker is a real bell. Like any good cat, she's learned how to move without making it ring.

She is a outgoing and cheerful, but is a little shy underneath it all. Her thing for blue eyes gets her into a lot of trouble. She spends a lot of time daydreaming. She's terrified of fire.
Cyan adores things that have a tiger stripe pattern, especially in natural tiger colors or in blue. She likes to be outdoors. She likes to take long walks while listening to music on her blue iPod.
She doesn't like Math, blood, being confined, the indoors, and fire. She likes to eat Hawaiian pizza and strawberries while disliking cheese, pickles, and eggs. Her favourite colours are blue, green, silver. For fun, she enjoys driving, reading, and going for walks.

Blue Tiger Glaciate
A blue tiger cub appears on the ground in front of her and charges towards her target. When the tiger collides with the target, the target is hit with a blast of cold. Very rarely causes very mild frost bite.
Blue Diamond Chill
Does more or less the same thing as 'Blue Tiger Glaciate', except it uses a chain of diamonds that lash out like a whip. It's much more likely to cause damage than its less evolved counterpart.

Does he/she have teammates or rivals? She has teammates, but she can't recall who they are at present.

Who does she fight?
She doesn't know who her enemy is at present; she occasionally encounters monsters that attack people and she intervenes long enough to kill it but never sticks around long enough to figure out who's behind it all. Its only recent;y occurred to her that the monster attacks are related.

Ultimate Form

Name: Transcendent SailorBlueTiger
About the form:
After finding the remainder of her team, SailorBlueTiger finally has all the pieces of her identity together. She and her teammates pool their powers together and with this pooling, they achieved their ultimate forms.
In this form, she sheds her human disguise and becomes her proper self. Her people are from the Amalis system; her home world is Chatal. Her race is a race of cat-like people. The cat-like traits that were present in her earlier fuku were hints of her true nature and now she's returned her true shape. Her ears and tail function properly and her fingers and feet contain retractable claws.
Her powers have changed slightly. Her control over ice is much stronger and she can now share minds with other cats and talk to them. When she can link with them strongly enough she can get them to fight for her.
This is her permanent form.