
3 years, 9 months ago



Basic Info
Name Dusk

Pronouns She/Her

Birthday May 8

Age 23

Gender Female, Cis

Height 5'0"

Build Thin

Hair Color White/Brown

Eye Color Blue

MBTI ISTP-A (Virtuoso)

Race Tiefling

Class Druid (Circle of Stars)

Background Spy

Character Theme TBA

Sign Taurus







  • Stargazing
  • Gardening
  • Cosmetics
  • Tea
  • Peace & quiet
  • Nosy people
  • Arrogance
  • Fish
  • Running
  • Early mornings

Dusk's public face differs greatly from her private one, a trait of hers that is a product of her background as a spy. 

She wants strangers to underestimate her and be charmed by her. Dusk is not unaware that she is conventionally attractive, and physically small. That said, she's not above flirting with strangers and using her appearance to her advantage to get what she needs/wants. In her work it was a means of manipulation for information or theft. Nowadays, it's mostly to maintain her safety...and maybe to scam a meal or two, if need be. 

Dusk in actuality is sarcastic, resourceful, and a bit judgmental. She guards her independence fiercely. Though, she would like to have more friends and people she can depend on. She finds it difficult to let others truly close. Surface level friendships are manageable, though. She would get along well enough with old coworkers (if they weren't being idiots), and with her neighbors in the village. But even in her new home, she still feels that distance - physically and emotionally. She's a bit set apart from them in her observatory, which is on the fringe of the village. Deep down, Dusk wonders if she can be more than the spy her father raised her to be. So she has been really set to honing her skills as a druid, as of late.

Dusk loves the sense of wonder she feels when looking at the nighttime sky. It makes her feel small, but also connected to something bigger than herself. A far-fetched dream of hers is to be able to go into space, one day... But she's very embarrassed to admit something so personal, so she hasn't shared this with anyone.


Dusk, formerly Lemaia, was born to a tiefling father and a human mother. Even with her mother's human ancestry Lemaia shared little in common with her appearance. Instead, she took after her father. As a child she wouldn't know this, but her father's side of the family shared a strong bloodline originating with none other than Glasya herself. 

From that bond, Lemaia's tiefling ancestors had carved quite a niche for themselves in organized crime. Glasya's tieflings, after all, were blessed with various illusion and invisibility magic. Lemaia's father continued that tradition with himself and with her. As soon as she was old enough, he introduced his daughter to his line of work. Lemaia turned out to be quite the skilled spy. She was charming (when she wanted to be) and rather beautiful. Add in some acting lessons, and Lemaia was a strong asset to the syndicate. 

However, even as skilled as she was, the work was dangerous. In her early twenties, one job went south - real south - and Lemaia finally accepted she wanted out. She packed as much as she could carry one night, left a note, and disappeared. 

And a couple months later, a young tiefling woman named Dusk would appear at a rural mountaintop village. Dusk wandered across the land trying to distance herself from home and trying to figure where to go next. What she didn't expect was seeing how gorgeous the nighttime sky was once she had gotten far, far away from the lights of the city. 

Ilfreycombe was known for its abandoned observatory, high up on top of the mountain. For a time it was taken care of by some human astronomers, but they passed away and had no one to inherit it. Dusk had a strange yearning for it that she couldn't ignore. With the blessing from the village, she settled in it and began to restore it. 

It was then that Dusk began to forge her connection with nature and the stars above. As they noticed her magic powers grow, some villagers began to (in jest) refer to her as a witch. But in truth, Dusk had nicely nestled herself into the village and was accepted into their community. Once she had more confidence in these new powers and knowledge of nature, she offered various balms and other healing services to the village. 

Currently, Dusk continues to be her village's healer and quite the gardener. Along with various fruits and veggies she grows for food, she also loves to tend to her sacred datura flowers. The observatory is back to its former glory and not a night goes by that Dusk is not looking at the stars...

  • Dusk's sacred datura flowers - also called moon flowers - are beautiful, fragrant, and highly toxic (if consumed). As a means of protecting herself, she has a tin of tea that contains dried sacred datura petals & leaves. 
  • Dusk doesn't dislike her given name, but has abandoned it for her own safety. She would share it only with those whom she trusts most.
  • Dusk is sapphic/a lesbian.
  • Grapes are her favorite fruit. She's dabbling with some wine making, as she grows some grapes in her garden too.
  • Dusk likes to pretend she's less capable than she really is, since she's found this can give her the upper hand in a variety of situations.

Name Relationship


Name Relationship