


7 years, 3 months ago


「 Hmm? Did you say something? 」

low key sadistic ✉ chuckles 24/7 ✉ strawberry

✉ Full Name Shuichi
✉ Age 20
✉ Species Human
✉ Occupation Business Major
✉ Gender Male ♂
✉ Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
✉ Birthdate July 7th
✉ Relationship Status Shipped with Futaba

easygoing · capable · detail-oriented · shrewd · charming · cultured · patient · sadistic · teasing

Shuichi is rather easygoing, his carefreeness stemming from a background with little worries. He’s always been able to do what he wants easily, with little obstacles barring his path (one obstacle being the many tutors he had to work with)— having lived such a smooth life, he tends to take everything in life for granted. Not a lot really surprises him, and he feels that he’s experienced enough in life to live it lazily. He never feels particularly pressured or stressed since he knows he has his family’s backing if necessary. It helps that he’s also plenty capable and quick to grasp things.

Despite his easygoingness however, he is rather shrewd and observant to the feelings of others. He can be quite charming when he’s trying to be, rather good at socializing and saying the right things (from experience). The education his family foisted onto him in his younger years still resonates, so he seems particularly cultured and educated upon first interaction. In reality, Shuichi is nothing but a cultured rogue. It’s only discipline from tutors that restricts him.

His discipline also makes him rather patient and willing to wait for things that truly interest him. He enjoys taking his time with relationships, especially if it’s something like hitting on girls… While his discipline allows him to appear cultured and charming, it doesn’t stop him from teasing or poking fun at others. He has a rather questionable habit of poking at and searching for the insecurities of others. Shuichi genuinlely enjoys seeing others squirm, finding it rather amusing. He’s always careful not to take it too far however, as he doesn’t find pleasure in seeing others in despair.

「 I'm leaving now. 」


「 Trivia 」

► Has three hamsters he creatively named 'One,' 'Two,' and 'Three.'
► Also has a rabbit he named 'Rabbit.'
► Lives by himself in a nice apartment complex.
► Likes reading badly written stuff (fanfics, erotica, etc) for enjoyment.
► Gets bored easily.
► Gets his friends to run errands for him via bribing them with food.
► Has 3 older sisters; does not enjoy their company since they're difficult to handle.
► His sisters served as good practice to handle other girls though.
► Voice: TBA
「 Appearance 」

► Height: 5’11”
► Wears silver earrings on each ear.
► Has a mole under his left eye.
► His hair is always messy.
1069312?1547365899 ▷ Futaba | ◕ cute · funny · A++ fanfics ◕
"She's really cute, isn't she?"
773297?1501282975 ▷ Mané | ◕ needs to relax · annoying · cousin ◕
"She's the type that I can't quite deal with. Too tense."