
3 years, 9 months ago


Inari is an impatient Aries / Fox using he/him pronouns. He is male, and was born on March 25th!

(fun fact: my favorite color is purple, and foxes are one of my favorite animals! so I knew I had to write a lot for him. I apologize for all of the paragraphs!)

He is a young kitsune (or fox spirit) who has already gained the ability to shapeshift into his human form or well, at least mostly human. He is young at least for kitsunes as his age is between 50 and 100 which makes him around a young adult, but some kitsunes live above 1000 years. Most do not even gain the ability to shapeshift until after they are 100, but in his eagerness, he was able to gain this ability as a young adult. Now he has moved on to his next goal: to be able to generate fire. To be able to hold such destructive power in the palms of his hands is a dream for him. Despite his wish for power, he is actually a kind spirit after seeing so much pain and hurt in the world around him he knew it needed no more. If anything he wants to help those who are in those situations.

He can be vindictive for those who were wronged, and that is where he wants this power. To be able to burn down the homes of those who are known to hurt others would be a pleasant past time for him if he could. Perhaps it's for the better he doesn't have this ability as he often jumps to conclusions, and doesn't wait to hear the other side. He needs more experience in the world to be able to better discern right and wrong before he becomes judge, jury, and executioner of the lives of those around him. Speaking of experience, due to how little of it he has he is unable to hide his fox ears or tails. Though, if you ask him he will tell you that it is intentional as he is prideful of his race. It of course isn't intentional, but he doesn't mind being unable to hide them.

He also takes pride in his charming ways. Whenever he visits a new town he attempts to charm everyone he can find, and it works usually, but he too ends up falling for at least one of them. These passions do not last long unfortunately for the one he had fallen for, and once they do disappear he too is gone without a trace off to another town to start it all over again. He especially has trouble resisting becoming infatuated with those he helps out of their sad situations. These are the times he regrets the most. As soon as he becomes truly attached he gets scared of the commitment fueling his desire to be gone from the area. He is afraid of becoming too attached to any humans as he knows he will outlive them by far. He doesn't want to watch them age without him.

He doesn't wait to make decisions or to do the things he wants. He is impatient with these things. If he knows he wants to do something he will go ahead and do it without waiting to think more deeply about the consequences. This isn't to say that he doesn't think about them at all. He does contemplate them for a bit, he just doesn't wait too long! Despite having much more time in his life to do things compared to others he somehow rushes more then them as if he only had days to live. Especially on his own he will hurry from one place to another never pausing to stopping to rest. The only time he slows down is when he is working his charms with others. He has found that a much calmer approach works better. Although, he is especially impatient when waiting for others to do things for him.

His favorite color: Specifically a deep royal purple
Favorite flowers: Catmint and Clematis
Favorite food: Dango
Favorite things to carry with him: Flowers, matches, and a nice hairbrush he received as a gift from a lover