


3 years, 9 months ago




early 20s


Candle is pretty consistently a stubborn, strong-willed individual who values loyalty and honesty. She is quick to latch onto people as friends but is slow to open up to them, as she lacks any kind of social instinct and instead must rely on her intuition to guide her through complicated situations. This means that she often comes across as stoic, unbothered, and reserved but beneath her facade she's deeply uncertain of herself and struggles to cover up the fact that she's second-guessing everything she does with a more flat, controlled persona. Can be very impulsive. Quick to pick up on patterns but often too hasty to rush into a situation based on a hypothesis without checking on it first. Often puts herself in unnecessary danger because she has trouble considering her decisions in any context but the present. As such, she can sometimes make downright wacko choices, but it's rarely -- if ever -- out of malice, and moreso due to her tendency to miss the forest for the trees. Is quiet in large groups (occasionally outright silent, using hand gestures or facial expressions to communicate) but will ramble ON and ON if engaged by one or two people about a topic she's passionate about. She's always very eager to share information with people and takes great pride in infodumping about the things she's knowledgeable about.


Stims by chewing on her lip and fiddling with objects like pens and rulers. Tends to have at least one thing in her hands at all times. Is good at keeping secrets. Can come off as insincere and calculated at times, if only due to the fact that she has to puzzle out social situations manually and trips over herself if she's got to do anything on the fly.

Candle is a member of the Emailsona gang, and exists across multiple AUs!

Y2KVR: In the original "emailsona" canon, she was a minor widget on the email server that managed the sending and receipt of images who gained self-awareness from the Y2KVR program. She's not fully self-aware, though, and in lieu of creating her own thoughts (she's a computer program, not designed for that!), she "claims" emails that "sound right" and convinces herself that she sent them. Eventually this develops into an actual personality as her programming grows more comfortable with expressing individuality, but exists in denial of the emails' actual origin up until that point. She's pretty single-mindedly loyal to Gordon as the owner of the computer she's on, and clings to that knowledge as perhaps the only concrete thing her suddenly-aware coding can be sure of.

Half Life VR but the Emailsonas are Self-Employed: Quiet. Always seems to be busy working on something, but it's never clear exactly what that "something" is. She doesn't have her own lab but her disorganized style of work is so good at monopolizing space that she basically has half of a room entirely to herself just because no one else wants to tangle in that mess. Dr. Freeman often visits "her" lab to borrow Xen samples for his own research, and for many weeks she's been trying (unsuccessfully) to befriend him. She and Darnold are on good terms, which is to say that they send each other near-indecipherable emails once or twice a week and call that mission accomplished.

Lovecore Apocalypse AU: Candle carries a long, metal baseball bat with battery-powered heated coils wrapped around the edge! they're pretty hot (causes burn damage) and good at fighting off attacking zombies, but not super great for crowd control (: She's the first to be infected.

Destiny: Awoken bladedancer.

Mario & Luigi: Steps in for King Boo, becoming King Candleabra!! Mostly a joke villain, coming up with evil schemes to keep up appearances but still on good enough terms with the heroes to get invited for go-karting on the weekends.

Super Paper Mario: Acts as Princess Peach!

SonaVI (HLVRV au): King Candleabra's back babey, and this time she's actually mean. Candleabra is ruthless in this AU. she's the King of Ghosts and she didn't take kindly to trespassers in her domain. after being foiled once, she returned with a vengeance, taking great joy in this newfound game of cat and mouse. she wasn't angry, moreso excited that she found a worthy opponent despite being a little peeved at the initial setback. she genuinely doesn't see the value in human life because everyone will become a ghost eventually and being alive is so impermanent that she's frustrated that humans make such an effort to preserve it anyway. they encroach on her grounds and fight to make such permanent changes in the world and for what?? she sees it as selfish in an immature kinda way. she did end up killing them somewhat intentionally but doesn't see why it's a big deal -- her arc therefore deals with learning that the value of life is found in the relationships you build with others, something she's forgotten in the many years of being King.