


3 years, 9 months ago


Sunglow has a single museum in its capitol city, a treasure trove of ancient artifacts and trinkets from the history of the world. And one of the people watching over said artifacts is a kind old cat named Greenstep. He waters the plants around the building to keep everything looking nice, only ever handles the artifacts with special gloves, and hums a little tune to himself all the while.

Greenstep is a kind and sweet fellow, often getting quite energetic and detailed in his description of various items. He had hoped to be an archeologist, perhaps explore the Ruins that stretch beneath Silvarum, but the danger and the money needed cut that dream short. So Green's doing what he considers to be the next best thing - showing others the wonders of the past.

He's curious and adventurous, and always wears the best adventurer's gear, even though he's never been out to the wider world himself. Folks find him easy to get along with, until they start to mess with the things on display or get too close. Then, his sharp glare and sudden silence unnerve most enough to get them to stop.