Miles | Jun'ichi [淳一]



3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Decorated and complex in both appearance and personality.


ALIAS Miles Mercer
Gender Male
pronouns He / Him
age 32 yrs
sexuality Homosexual
rank Commander
birthday Oct 30th
Zodiac Scorpio | Scorpio

Jun'ichi [淳一]

淳 (jun) meaning "pure" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one"

Fukushima [福島]

福島 meaning "blessed island"

Jun'ichi Fukushima, or as he's commonly known as — Miles Mercer — is a deicated and loyal soldier working for and organization dedicated to keeping the secret peace between humanity and the supernatural. Even if it means hunting down those unfortunate enough to have been in a similar position to himself; turned into a vampire against his will, lost in the throes of ravenous hunger.

Having a soft heart in a cruel world, is courage not weakness.

Once a paragon of the Fukushima family, he climbs an uphill battle to prove to everyone that he can keep himself in control over his bloodlust and hunger, stemmed from the neglect and abuse of the one who turned him. Despite being stuck this way — when it feels like everything is working against him — he does what he can to make life sweet for himself and the ones he loves.

Hit Me Where It Hurts
Caroline Polachek (Remix feat. Chino Moreno)

( )

0:00 3:29
I'm feeling like a butterfly trapped inside a plane
Maybe there's something going on, I'm not insane
If I'm already out of time, then make it worse
Go on and hit me in the heart, hit me where it hurts












5'9" [175cm]

( design notes )

  • The top row of his teeth have gaps for the lower fangs to fit!
  • If you shine a light in his eyes in the dark they reflect like an animals eyes!
  • Scars do not need to be accurate except for the facial and neck scar.
  • His dogtags are always on, either under a shirt or over. They're very dear to him.
Sandalwood & Vanilla
Smug Overconfidence
worth: um hes priceless to me bc I made him in 2008 and he has several AUs lol

  • Grilled Eel
  • Anything Peach
  • Moths and Butterflies
  • Horror/Thriller Movies
  • Social Stimulation
  • Knives

  • Formal Attire
  • Injury on a tattoo
  • Heatwaves
  • Mazes
  • Cinnamon (Allergic!)
  • Dead Silence

  • Men in Suits
  • Cramped Spaces
  • Public Bathrooms
  • Spiders
  • Dobermen Dogs
  • Loss of Control

  • Baking/Cooking
  • Travling Abroad
  • Video Games
  • Shooting Ranges
  • Clubbing (with trusted person)
  • Dog Training

  • Prove that he can be trusted to hold his position as a commander.
  • Gain control over his hunger and bloodlust.
  • Be content with life and himself as a person.
  • Live in comfort with those he loves.
  • Become fully able to cope with his excessive trauma.
  • Seek to regain his family's love and approval.

( Personality )

Empathetic /pos
Recognize and identify with the emotions of others

Miles has always been deeply attuned to emotion, possibly just from heightened intuition? Being sensitive to the emotional pain of others and offering comfort when it is needed. Alongside this heightened awareness of expression through body language and voice tone, has allowed him to sense “fake” emotions.

Paranoid /neg
Excessive worrying and irrational suspicion

Past trauma has lead Miles to have a lot of mistrust in his surroundings. Adhering to certain routines for safety while also changing routines in an effort to avoid detection. Often times needing to be around at least one person he trusts when things that could trigger him might be present or keeping a gun or knife on him at all times as a means of keeping himself safe.

Protective /pos
Inclined to safeguard, shield, or carefully supervise

Though stemming from past trauma, Miles wants to offer strength when it is needed. Balancing concern for safety with respecting another's independence and freedom. Being an active listener; offering support and counsel. Carefully watching situations that could grow volatile so he can step in if needed, verbal or physical.

Self-Indulgent /neg
Satisfying one's appetites, and whims without restraint

Depression has led to poor judgment, while he's imporving with therapy and knows the consequences of overindulging he sometimes feels powerless to stop. Often indulging in what he wants at the moment without thinking of the future, even if it could be dangerous.

Comical /pos
Causing amusement or laughter

Miles has the desire to entertain, make people laugh, or be in the spotlight. Observing the strangeness of life in a comical way and and sometimes making light of a serious situation to defuse tension. Often times its this that makes him effective at helping others, sometimes at his own expense but not to his detriment.

Vindictive /neg
Disposed toward seeking revenge

Traumatic humiliation and a loss of one's freedom and humanity will do this to you. Miles struggles with forgivness giving; Looking for ways to discredit an enemy and elaborate plans in order to exact revenge; as well as receiving; feeling the need to attone for how he's hurt others or garnering an avoidance of scenarios that could bite him in the ass later.

( trivia )

  • Miles has a very big oral fixation issue, if he doesnt have something like a sucker/toothpick/cigarette or gum in his mouth he has a bad habit of chewing his lips and with vampire fangs thats not good.
  • Chronic shirt stealer, especially if its bigger on him and he can wear it on its own. Big fan of his legs and hips being hugged by tighter clothing while his chest and arms has something looser.
  • His social personality can be rather adaptable, able to effectively command a team of soldiers or repremanding insubordination while on another day filling the roll of the gay BFF trope or a relentless flirt.
  • Miles will show affection anywhere, he's not afraid or ashamed of being gay or poly and he's not concerned about what people think. He's a very Physical Person and can get really agitated without physical touch for a period of time.
  • The love languages he shows most often are Physical Touch and Acts of service, while the ones he enjoies recieving are Physical Touch and Quality time.

What are your religious views? Do you believe in the afterlife?

I grew up in Japan, the biggest religions are Shintoism and Buddhism, I dont really beleive in them much anymore, too much has happened that has...happened I guess...But I do find myself sometimes falling into old habits! As for the second question; I hope theres something after death though.

Do you make snap judgements or take time to consider?

It depends on the senario of course! Every situation is unique. In my line of work a snap judgment could mean saving a life even if your hurt in the process, life is precious. But on the flip side, I feel...its okay to stop and take your time, think about if giving someone a second chance will be worth it or only hurt you again.

Is your family big? Small? Whats your relationship like with them?

Its big! Typically people only have other sibling yeah? I have five— or had five, anyways, second youngest. I dont talk to my older brothers and sister, various reasons that im not comfortable sharing. Chie my little brother is...well I wouldnt be alive if it wasn't for him, we're a lot like each other and I would do anything for him.

What do you think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?

Personally...I wouldnt wish what happened to myself upon anyone else.

To have your freedom stripped from you, drugged and manipulated into being some sick bastard's pet? Not only that comitted many unspeakable atrocities, scarred me in nearly every way possible, and turned me into the very thing that killed my parents. Um...thats all a bit TMI, I apologize.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Thats...a surprisingly difficult question to answer. I've learned to love myself despite everything, There's always "I want my humanity back" but I won't give you such a cop-out answer, I gues I'd maybe say get rid of some of my scars? some are worth keeping though.

oh? not sure what I did to garner, an interview? but sure!
The Beginning

SIt always starts the same, a pleasant family, well off, loving mothing and a stern but caring father, 5 siblings; Shinya, Nanako, Akira, Jun'ichi and Chie. Dispite being the younger son Jun grew up in a position akin the paragon expected to do great things in life. Things were normal despite that, average Japanese home and schooling, blissfully unaware of what prowls the streets at night, safely tucked away in bed.

It always starts this way, everything is normal — until its not, until; in the blink of an eye everything goes wrong and everything you know changes. Family secrets come out in exchange for blood. It happened one night, a home invasion that ends up in one father turned into a monster, the youngest put in harms way and 5 children become orphans in the care of an organization that hunts those who prey on the weak; turns out this organization always has. The Fukushimas were supporters of this organization; donating what funds didnt go to the wellbeing of their children to the cull the efforts of the supernatural that would put humanity in harms way.

Fastforward a couple of years and the Fukushimas have continued their donations with Shinya has head of the household, even moreso they've joined the hunt in the form of Jun, and Akira — the middle child, renound for his loyalty and thoroughness he climbs the ranks and brings pride to his family, only to be struck down when Jun reaches adulthood, a pattern that returns with Jun's lovers. A Pattern of loss that wears on his mental health, that brings a bottle to his lips, that puts him in harm's way.

The Organization has many enemies, those who wish to bring them down, ruin their reputaion, uproot the order by any means possible. Even if it means taking a vunerable soldier and changing him into that he hunts, keep him in captivity while you deprive him of his needs and make him dependant. This is exactly what Morgan White did to Jun. Morgan was a sadistic and prolific drug manufacter using the blood and parts of his own kind to sell to humans. The worst part is he liked to keep pets; Jun stayed with Morgan for two years while his family and friends desperately yearned for his safe return, but were at a loss to his location.

The Now
how it feels to chew 5 gum /j

When they found him he was changed, ravenous, drug addled and dependant, always struggling. The organization was at a loss, his family was at a loss; what to do with Jun. He wasnt human anymore, he was — in their eyes — a blood-starved beast. Only though the help of two kind souls; his little brother, Chie, and his coworker, Cora was he able to avoid termination.

Layers upon layers of rules and caveats were placed upon Jun and those who stood up for him. Putting their necks on the line for Jun, whome they continued to extend their hands to. Jun was put though many forms of healing, therapy, detoxing, training, all so he could keep living; to prove to himself and everyone else that he could grow past his trauma and pain.

It took years, one after another, long and dragging, but he made it to where he is today. Commander of special forces within the organization, the A1 Foxgloves, a team tailored to him; all Vampires working to keep their own kind in check. The hunger is still there, gnawing at him but he keeps himself regulated and in check, in control. He fairing well and thriving, taking care of his needs and feeling good. He's currently on active duty witholding the secret peace between the supernatural and humanity, just as his parents once did, despite his hardships.

  • Jun was part of a large family that supported an Organization that keeps the secret peace between humanity and the supernatural, keeping the vampire population in check, dismantiling cults, terminating hostile demons and the like.
  • Jun's parents were killed by vampires, which lead to the children of the family becoming more involved, becoming hunters. Jun met a lot of people and lost a lot of people which wore on his mental health causing him to drink.
  • While barhopping one time he was kiddnapped and held captive by a vampire named Morgan White, who turned Jun into a vampire and subsequently starved him of blood as a newborn vampire, causing chronic hunger pains and survival mode.
  • Eventually he was found but what followed was a long debate of whether to put Jun out of his misery or give him another chance, ultimately they did, with caveats of course.
  • After going though gratuitious amount of therapy, detoxing and mental training he managed to regain his life back, though its never been the same.

( Werewolf )

"a sentence or two here. . ."
"a sentence or two here. . ."


In eu ligula fermentum, feugiat eros non, ornare mi. Suspendisse lacus ex, cursus nec tempor eget, faucibus varius nunc. Phasellus libero metus, interdum a sodales at, dapibus non lacus. Nulla nec vehicula ex, a semper odio. Sed condimentum, sapien id scelerisque pretium, ante neque suscipit risus, et euismod nunc massa eu velit. Ut arcu diam, ultricies vitae dignissim quis, malesuada non ligula.

Nam eget pretium nulla. Nam sed aliquet ligula, vel scelerisque metus. Sed id pulvinar tortor, non tempor quam. Praesent leo mi, laoreet congue metus sit amet, semper elementum arcu. Proin et porta justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis, diam vitae pulvinar porta, justo turpis dictum nisi, id condimentum enim nulla quis ipsum. Nulla ac quam convallis, sagittis mauris at, posuere lectus. Mauris est velit, dapibus sed erat nec, venenatis viverra turpis.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
Prospective Boyfriend

( Human )

"a sentence or two here. . ."
"a sentence or two here. . ."


In eu ligula fermentum, feugiat eros non, ornare mi. Suspendisse lacus ex, cursus nec tempor eget, faucibus varius nunc. Phasellus libero metus, interdum a sodales at, dapibus non lacus. Nulla nec vehicula ex, a semper odio. Sed condimentum, sapien id scelerisque pretium, ante neque suscipit risus, et euismod nunc massa eu velit. Ut arcu diam, ultricies vitae dignissim quis, malesuada non ligula.

Nam eget pretium nulla. Nam sed aliquet ligula, vel scelerisque metus. Sed id pulvinar tortor, non tempor quam. Praesent leo mi, laoreet congue metus sit amet, semper elementum arcu. Proin et porta justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis, diam vitae pulvinar porta, justo turpis dictum nisi, id condimentum enim nulla quis ipsum. Nulla ac quam convallis, sagittis mauris at, posuere lectus. Mauris est velit, dapibus sed erat nec, venenatis viverra turpis.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

( Human )

"a sentence or two here. . ."
"a sentence or two here. . ."


In eu ligula fermentum, feugiat eros non, ornare mi. Suspendisse lacus ex, cursus nec tempor eget, faucibus varius nunc. Phasellus libero metus, interdum a sodales at, dapibus non lacus. Nulla nec vehicula ex, a semper odio. Sed condimentum, sapien id scelerisque pretium, ante neque suscipit risus, et euismod nunc massa eu velit. Ut arcu diam, ultricies vitae dignissim quis, malesuada non ligula.

Nam eget pretium nulla. Nam sed aliquet ligula, vel scelerisque metus. Sed id pulvinar tortor, non tempor quam. Praesent leo mi, laoreet congue metus sit amet, semper elementum arcu. Proin et porta justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis, diam vitae pulvinar porta, justo turpis dictum nisi, id condimentum enim nulla quis ipsum. Nulla ac quam convallis, sagittis mauris at, posuere lectus. Mauris est velit, dapibus sed erat nec, venenatis viverra turpis.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

( Werewolf/demon )

"a sentence or two here. . ."
"a sentence or two here. . ."


In eu ligula fermentum, feugiat eros non, ornare mi. Suspendisse lacus ex, cursus nec tempor eget, faucibus varius nunc. Phasellus libero metus, interdum a sodales at, dapibus non lacus. Nulla nec vehicula ex, a semper odio. Sed condimentum, sapien id scelerisque pretium, ante neque suscipit risus, et euismod nunc massa eu velit. Ut arcu diam, ultricies vitae dignissim quis, malesuada non ligula.

Nam eget pretium nulla. Nam sed aliquet ligula, vel scelerisque metus. Sed id pulvinar tortor, non tempor quam. Praesent leo mi, laoreet congue metus sit amet, semper elementum arcu. Proin et porta justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis, diam vitae pulvinar porta, justo turpis dictum nisi, id condimentum enim nulla quis ipsum. Nulla ac quam convallis, sagittis mauris at, posuere lectus. Mauris est velit, dapibus sed erat nec, venenatis viverra turpis.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.
Little Brother


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.