Iona Trenn (2011 | Infos and relations)




NameIona TrennGENDERFemale (DFAB)
HEIGHT5"3 - 163cmORIENT.Pansexual
SPECIEMutipleAlignmentLawful Good



  • Fashion and sewing
  • Stars/Astronomy 
  • Internet - Food
  • Spending time with friends


  • Damaged clothes
  • Dust - Mold
  • Being alone
  • Slow connexion/devices



Outgoing and sociable, always busy doing something, she's at ease with others and often starts the conversation. She's earnestly curious about others and really likes to meet and get to know people. Her friendly and warm tone express her honesty the best. She's always polite and really attentive, focused when listening to someone. She proves herself caring and mindful about any problem told to her, ans always eager to learn to become better.
Her tendancy to always wanting to improve may however lead her to have an idealistic pont of view, and never be satisfied with what she is, what she has or how the world around her is. She can fall under the manipulation of ill-intentioned beings, believing any flaws they'd give her and try to correct anything she would be while she isn't. As she's never satisfied, she feels overwhelmed, defeated facing her problems, and she becomes indecisive, freeze and waits, or runs away as well from obstacles in her life.
Iona has a very wide and rich body language, her posture and global attitudes always adds up to her words and her emotions are easily percievables even when she's quiet. It makes her unable to lie though if she doesn't pay attention to it. As she likes to talk, she can go into deep conversations really fast, even with strangers. It's a teeny tiny bit odd but she really like to question things (as she's always striving to improve, as told) and to reflet on any subject. Philosophy is the good stuff for her. She also appears delicate, always on fleek look-wise. There's no mistake, Iona's a fashionista and doesn't study in this field for nothing, she has a sharp esthetic sens. Even if that means sometimes beeing a little too much at it. She can wince at bad fashion or damaged, wrinkled clothes on others. But it's fun, most of the time.



▸creation  ▸duplication ▸destruction

Iona can directly target and manipulate the cells in the body. It implies controling the mitosis, creation and differentiation of stem cells, as well as apoptosis, necroptosis and autophagy. By using these processes and sending the good signals, Iona can heal or inflict damages on others. It is very difficult, though, and requires great efforts as well as extensive knowledge.

▸mapping  ▸communication ▸regulation

Iona can understand and manipulate her and others' homeostasis. She can have an abstract representation of body systems, and consciously read and process the informations to locate problems. She then, can control them, enhance, accelerate, slow or stop their flow. Nervous system, reproductive, respiratory, vascular, she can access them all. 


· Her nose slightly goes up at the tip~
· Really bad with languages, execpt for english.
· Has a looooot of clothes and accessories, of course.
· Everything that touch her conciousness can affect her powers.
· Thus, alcoohol and drugs have funny results on her.
· She's an active internet user, she even knows how to hack a little~
· Her alias is Monocera, often shortened to Cera or Nocera.
· She has a blog where she sells her creations.
· She really is into custom-fashion.


She was born in a new-rich familly, that owns a successful nation-scaled business. She had a pretty lonesome childhood, living in a gold cage, not allowed to leave. Not able to leave the household at all. She was educated to be a "lady", that would hopefully marry a good partner to be the next head of the compagny. But when her powers arose, all of it was compromised. She realised the toxicity of her situation then, and that everything her father tried to do was manipulate her. She tried to flee. Thankfully her grandmother helped and she went to Wheeler Intitute. 

After some time there, she discovered herself and made friends, even lovers. She was able to become stronger to oppose her dad, and to follow the studies she dreamt of at the same time. She had opportuinties she took thanks to her grandma and a friend's sister. Now, she strives to realise her dreams and to get her family out of her life.



[ Best friend ]

They defy all odds, so different yet so close. She knows they might grow appart one day, but still tries hard to meet her since she moved to Liondon, to make memories and have fun with her.


[ Friend ]

They rebuilt a friendship anew and different after some problems but she considers him as a reliable friend. She moved to Liondon but sometimes visits him in Bjorn, with Karita.


[ Friend ]

A friendship that grew steadily. She secretly admires her calm and is happy that she formed an item with Duckan. She tries to visit her and Duckan often.


[ Friend ]

She still considers him a friend, despite not contacting him as much. She also thinks about the little what ifs they could've been when she moved away and processed her grief. 


[ Friend ? ]

They sometimes kept contact. He's been adamant about owning her one but she doesn't see why. She feels like she only opened his eyes a little, for the better. 


[ Ennemy ? ]

 She can't describe it, just wishes to never see him again. She hopes deep inside he would mourn and went on but still despises him, even monthes after.

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