Storm on the Horzion (Storm)



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Storm on the Horizon

Nickname(s): Storm, Daxxy (for situations where discretion w/ real names is required)

Species: Tabaxi (Cheetah)

Pronouns: He/Him (transmasc, attained ideal body through the help of a Wish spell)

Class: Monk - Way of the Open Hand ➡️ Way of the Cobalt Soul

Background: Anthropologist

Occupation/Hobby: Explorer, Anthropologist, Occasional Mercenary, The Ride or Die Friend™

Origin: From the moment he was born, Storm was an adventurer; his mother (Incandescent Sun; Sun)  and father (Branch of the Great Tree; Branch) were both expeditious anthropologists who traveled all over Toril, and before long their newborn cub was woven into their lifestyle seamlessly. By the time Storm was 5 years old, he'd already had many rich adventures, meeting numerous people of various races and cultures, seeing new lands and crossing vast seas. Eventually they found themselves in Port Nyanzaru on the Chultan Peninsula, it was unlike anything Storm had seen before; he'd seen large bustling cities before, sure, but nothing quite like Port Nyanzaru. There were massive market places across the port and everywhere you look there were vibrant colors, extravagant dyes and gold trimming, also: there were massive dinosaurs everywhere! It was quite the culture shock for Storm, however, they didn't stay in the city long before they began their expedition into the jungle, his mother told him that they were going in search of a group of mountain birdfold called Aarakocra to meet and trade with.

Days passed as they trekked through the hot and humid jungle, they managed to avoid direct conflict with any of the dangers that dwell within this dense canopy up until now. Storm doesn't remember what, or even when or how, all he remembers is his mother and father kissing his head and pushing him up a tree to climb and hide all of a sudden. He scrabbled up and nestled into a nook of naturally woven branches and vines with large leaves and fronds that provided more than enough cover for him to be thoroughly hidden. Time felt as though it stood still and accelerated rapidly—Storm cowered and tried to remain as quiet as he could.

"Don't cry.... don'tcrydon'tcrydon'cry..... you have to be quiet. Hide. Stay strong. Hhhhhmm I want mother and father to come back...."

There were loud indiscernible sounds for what felt like an eternity, and the sun must have been starting to set as the jungle around him was growing dark, Storm hugged himself into a tight ball and prepared for a long and lonely night.

Storm awoke with a start as he heard some worried discussion on the jungle floor below him. His sat up a bit, but still remained hidden, sadness tugged at his chest as he noticed it didn't sound like his parents. Shifting around to try and see, Storm saw four large bird-like individuals below him, they seemed to be inspecting the area. He was still very afraid, but he didn't have many other options right now, Storm decided to gently reveal himself from his hiding place and let out a sad mewl to get the attention of the people below. They immediately looked up and he heard one exclaim in what sounded like relief and happiness, "There he is!" One of the birdfolk flew up to where Storm had been hiding and opened up their arms, inviting Storm to climb into their embrace. After a few moments of pause, Storm crawled into their arms and tucked himself tightly into their chest as they descended back down to their companions on the jungle floor. They assured Storm that he was safe now, and as he looked up from the soft feathered chest of the one that was holding him he realized that these must be the Aarakocra that his parents were traveling to see.

Despite looking happy they had found him, Storm could see a sadness in their eyes... he didn't sense his parents nearby, couldn't pick up their sent... as the gears turned slowly in his head one of the other Aarakocra spoke up and confirmed his fears, "I am... so sorry, young one. Your mother and father fought hard, and thought quick to hide you, but the dinosaurs and other beasts that stalk these jungles are fierce..." he reached into a pouch tucked within his robes and then held out his hand to Storm, "This is all that we could recover.... from what little was left that we found. Once more, I am so sorry, my child."

Storm's hands were shaking as he reached out and tenderly grasped the item in the Aarakocra's talons. He pulled his hands back close to his chest and gazed at them, tears that have been welling up finally began to spill over as he held the pendant of his parent's bonding necklace in his palms. It was a deeply special necklace made of delicately crafted silver, sculpted in such a way to reflect each half of the whole—for Sun and Branch. It depicts a radiant sun encircling a great tree, whose branches gracefully reach up towards the warmth. As Storm looked into it he could almost feel his parent's warm embrace and tender kisses on his forehead. It was then, as the weight of everything that has transpired began to sink in, that Storm finally broke down and sobbed.  The four Aarakocra shared a sad, knowing look with one another and all placed a gentle hand on top of Storm's head. The one that has been holding Storm swaddled him into his robes so that he was wrapped securely, close to his chest, and would be safe and comfortable during the flight back to their monastery.


The Aarakocra monks took in Storm as one of their own, even if they were not blood related, they were his family and his kin now. Storm was a quick learner, soon growing strong enough to climb the sheer mountainside that the monastery resided on so he could travel between buildings or to and from the monastery without being carried by one of his winged family members. However, he didn't leave the monastery very often, there were hunting parties he could have gone out on, but part of him had a fear of whatever was lurking in the jungle that took his parent's from him. He primarily spent his days training and studying, becoming stronger in the martial arts of the monk.


It had been just over 10 years since the Aarkocra of Kir Sabal Monastery had taken him in, to Storm it felt as though it had both been such a long time, and no time at all. He was 15 now and had grown so much from that frightened little cub the monks had found in the jungle on that fateful day. Storm had decided it was time to follow in the footsteps his parents had left for him, he had said his goodbyes to his friends, family, and mentors at the monastery and was passing the threshold of the gates to Port Nyanzaru with the intention to get on the first ship he could. Storm would travel across Toril as his parent's did, maybe he'd even meet friends of theirs along the way! He wanted to build connections, learn about different cultures, and immerse himself in the diversity of the world.....


10 more years have gone by, Storm has encountered so many wonderful people, learned their customs, and embraced their culture. He traveled often, but their were a few places where he decided to settle down and live for a year or two, here and there. Now, however, Storm is looking into chartering a ship to take him back to his home on Chult—10 years is a long time and Storm is expecting much has change both for Port Nyanzaru and for his family at Kir Sabal. Whether a lot or a little has transpired in his absence, Storm is eager to know how his kin have been faring over the past 10 years; he anxiously paces the docks of Baldur's Gate thinking about the journey ahead of him and what might be awaiting him there......


(to be continued...)

Personality & Traits: Whenever Storm arrives at a new settlement for the first time, he immediately sets out to learn all the customs of the culture so that he can exercise the utmost respect and, in time, he would seem as if he had grown up and spent his whole life there.

Ideals: "Protection. I must do everything possible to save a society facing extinction."

Bond: "Having grown up with and essentially been raised by a monastery of Aarakocra monks, I long to return after years of travel and see how they are faring."

Flaws: Boats make him seasick. | Not always the most graceful in social situations—occasionally speaks in the third-person.

Misc. Character Stats: Height - 5'6 | Weight - 135 lbs | Age - 25 years | Alignment - Chaotic Good | Patron - N/A