


3 years, 9 months ago


But yeah. Karma's a little shit. And basically if they do something bad to someone, something bad happens to them. If they do something good, something good happens.
They are. || this close to losing their shit and just breaking down and causing untold chaos and destruction because of past events.

And then they find Valor.
Valor who does the right thing, even if karma doesn't reward them. Who will take punishments, even if he didn't do something bad because it's what he should do for his kingdom.
Valor who Karma knows is going to die a painful death...and it's not Valor's fault - and it enrages and breaks Karma's heart. How could the fates do this Valor was..IS someone amazing. So why

So Karma sticks around Valor. Doing good things for Valor, and bad things for his enemies, regardless of what happens to Karma. Because Karma wants to fuck the fates and their plans and save Valor from his unjustified end. Because Why should Valor suffer for something NOT HIS FAULT?

And eventually Valor notices and figures out that, this is what happens to Karma. And...Karma slowly turns from this chaotic little shit to...a charming chaotic little shit. That he may or may not star coming tolike. But like hell he will let Karma know that. Because that'll just make Karma a smug piece of shit.

Basically Karma's powers come into play. And in a heartbreaking twist, one of them gets sent to MaWa, and gets STUCK there. (ngl it's probably going to be Karma) and so Karma's just like FUCK . Because the time for Valor's supposed death could happen any day and now he is stuck here with no way to get back.

And he has no way of PREVENTING Valor's death if he isn't there .
So yeah. That's them :3c
Also Karma's an oblivious little shit that doesn't notice if someone likes him (in all actuality refuses to believe someone COULD because of past events) .
Karma's done a lot of bad in their life and thus had a lot of bad happen to them.
They hate their powers. Because they have so much potential, to do anything . And yet the conditions of it are always so twisted