


3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Vassili Dmitryevich Ivanko
Zone Alias: Relic (Relikviya/Реліквія)
Age: 21 (as of SoC)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Nationality: Ukrainian

Height: 6'5
Build: Lanky, thin
Hair: Dull dark brown, messy, usually in desperate need of a trim
Eyes: Flat grey, tired, always underlined by dark circles
Skin: Pale

Faction: Monolith (Former); Loner
Rank: Veteran
Equipment: Monolith SEVA suit, SGI-5k, Kora 919
Artefacts: Snowflake, Shell

Origins: Came to the Zone in order to escape from his parents, at the time believing it to be the only way he could ever get away from them. Upon arrival in the Zone, he was quickly taken under the Monolith's control, making it to the centre more out of luck than anything else. Once there, he gained the nickname "Relic" thanks to his habit of collecting small pre-Zone trinkets, relics of the past and suchlike. His already less-than-healthy mental state was the perfect canvas for the Monolith to stamp out it's will upon, and Relic became a reliable servant, obeying orders without question, quickly rising to Veteran level.

Present: Now free from the Monolith's control, Relic has taken to hanging around with a small group of Loners. He lacks almost all of his previous memories, and seems to be a wildly different person to what he was before. While pre-Zone he was creative, gentle, and soft-spoken, now he's more blunt and monotone, more prone to shooting first, and wouldn't know what to do with a paintbrush if one was handed to him. Some things don't change, though; he's still relatively easily-spooked, having a deep dislike of needles, dark places (although that's a sensible fear in the Zone), and large groups of strangers.


  • The Monolith patches on his suit have been ripped off, and replaced with Loner patches; he's hesitant to be rid of the suit entirely, for reasons he can't quite process.
  • Has burn scarring all down the outside of his left arm, and the left side of his neck. He doesn't like to talk about it.
  • He's left-handed; his rifle and pistol are both modified for him to use effectively. This is also why he's fiercely protective of his guns. They would be very expensive to replace.
  • Is slowly forming an attachment to a Duty Rookie by the name of Panzer; they don't get to see each-other hugely often, but when they do, Relic barely leaves his side.
  • Doesn't sleep very well. He suffers with frequent nightmares, and sometimes night terrors, to the point where he'll stay awake for as long as possible to avoid them, only resting when he finally passes out from exhaustion.
  • Often forgets, or refuses, to eat. His new friends are working on helping him with this (and his aforementioned sleeping problems).
[Chance of rehabilitation outside the Zone: moderate - extensive support essential, recommend tracking down other family members (not birth parents!)]