


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Adult (30-40)




Carnivore is a Sandwing commander in the Stonescale regency, and is second in command only to Lord Anarchy, the founder and leader of the regency itself. He has made many successes in the war for the sacred goblet, the most notable being severing the head of Lord Cleave, the former leader of a rival Regency, and successfully conquering Possibility in a great battle between armies, of which he led into victory.
Carnivore would best be described as snake-like and devious, with a knack for stirring drama amongst the Stonescales to his favor. If he makes any mistake in his line of duty, he will likely find a way to cover it up to look good in front of Anarchy- making others look bad in the process even if they did no wrong. One of his eyes was damaged in battle, so he wears a monocle installed in his helmet for keen sight. He takes a lot of inspiration from Lord Anarchy’s battle attire, matching it with red robes and black armor; and a signature helmet. 

He is also very suspicious of anyone conspiring against the Stonescale regency and is often the one to snuff out traitors. Little lady Hourglass, being Anarchy’s chambermaiden, is secretly allied with The Ten Powers (a regency that is trying to end the war on behalf of the ten queens of Pyrrhia). She is extremely terrified of Carnivore and tries to keep her distance from him, but he tends to pester her with his antics. Luckily Hourglass has yet to be snuffed out, due to him being distracted by his own googly eyes. All in all, he’s vile.