Hikaru Yukimura



3 years, 9 months ago


He/Him // 19 // Demi-Pan // 6'0

"Mm. Look at that, I leveled up..."

Hikaru lives in a world where superheroes are common. They're legends in their own right, emulating fictional people like Superman... and he intends to become one himself. Currently in attendance at Hero Academy, he strives to be like the people he loves in stories.

Well. "Stories." Hikaru loves video games- RPGs, puzzles, even simple match games are things that he adores. RPGs tend to be his favorite sort, but even then, he isn't picky. For years when he was younger, he'd do what any boy did, staying up late at night collecting Pokemon to battle or adventuring through Hyrule. Books never caught his attention the same way, nor did movies, even with the similarities they might've had. Only when he could sit down and truly immerse himself would he care, becoming an expert on whatever world he was running through at the time.

When he was about thirteen, something finally came to fruition: his power. Video Game Attributes finally developed, offering him translucent blue screens and skill trees of all sorts. Ranging from things like baking to purely combative skills such as sword fighting, he can aim and develop for anything he wants to. Doing things enough times in a row would rapidly up his skill level at it. Something like baking cupcakes five times in a row would up his ability from burning them to smithereens to making them decently. Even his strength can be improved, though he can't do something like lift a car without also physically training his body to handle the stress.

His family was happy to ship him off to the boarding school. His mother is an accountant; she's usually too busy for him, and while she's helped him to learn math, she isn't very personal with him. His father works in a bakery and he helps out there during summers and the like, making him skilled at baking. They're divorced; for years, he bounced between the households, only truly settling down once he went to the Academy. To him, he's the thing that drove them apart; it's clear that neither of them really ever wanted him. Even moving to America may have been his fault, he thinks, though it also provided more opportunities for his parents.

Even at Hero Academy, he's not very... well, cared about. He's usually silent and comes off as sullen, typically expressionless towards anything and everything. A popular kid named Toriko, one of the few other Japanese kids at the school, decided to 'befriend' him. Hikaru regards Toriko as his first friend; Toriko usually takes him along to pull pranks and sets him up to get in trouble at the end of them. Since Hikaru never gets mad, it just keeps happening.

Hikaru is naive. He'll take things at face value and does as he's told, only questioning it if there's precedent to. He is very much a blank slate of a protagonist; he hasn't learned enough through socialization to make totally good decisions, though he will still do what he can to help and do what's 'right', according to the societal standards he follows. He'll often trail off while he's talking or fill it with buffer words. Once he has friends, he copies habits from them, both physical and verbal; someone once told him that calling bugs nicknames is cute, so he tends to call spiders Mr. Spider and the like, for example. As another example, Toriko often calls him slow and asks him why he's stupid, resulting in him offering those descriptors when others ask what he's like.

His hair is naturally blue, with his eyes a similarly peculiar color. His skin is tan. His build is more athletic due to his experience in school. Out of everything, the only thing he really smiles at is cats, since he adores them so much.