
3 years, 9 months ago


Name:  G̷̯̈́̌l̷͇̖͍̅̓ą̴̀͝d̷͔̉ì̵̲̊͛a̷̰̥̓͜͠n̸̳̞͒   Glade
"Not Kool-aid"

Gender: Male- He/him

Age: 21-25

Species: Glass Skeleton


Relationship: Single ish (Single in his Au but dating Moro out)


His Au- Tba

About: Glade usually comes off as a laid back or flirty being at first meeting or maybe even annoying. Teasing and joking with a constant smile that hides deep thoughts. Though he flirts it doesn't mean he wants to be with anyone...Actually quite the opposite.
Glade, as much as he wishes is easy to fall in love with beings who treat him normal or come to actually care for him and at the same time he distances himself...not wanting anyone to EVER get close to him. It never goes well.
Glade hates the 'Thing' he is, knows he isn't normal, sees how other's see him. He thinks of himself as nothing more then a hunk of glass and gears. (This all stems from his past).
He would rather spend days/hours on an invention or playing around with equations in his notebook then being alone with his own thoughts and insecurities.

Doesn't need to eat but can consume food. Its pretty useless though. The liquid that fills his body is a private 'recipe' of which, when surrounding the metal heart in his chest, softens the glass of his body enough to give him mobility just as a normal skeleton ..well mostly. His heart can go three days without the liquid, so if he breaks, which happens more often then you would think, he will still be alive. The liquid is highly poisonous to normal skeleton and beings (Small drops are fine) and should never be consumed by anyone but him. He keeps a flask of it, on him, at all times. The liquid also has an acidic property that may burn skin, cloth, and foods.

Glade spends his days building and inventing. Knickknacks, Machines, sometimes weapons. Anything he can think up when he has time, he has a lot of time. Glade calls each invention of his, 'Baby' or his 'child' and wont appreciate them being used wrong, be stolen, or destroyed by himself or the invention on its own.  He cares for what he makes, even the 'failures' so much so that you may find him to like them more. An explosion or two is just apart of a process. its fun! If things always went right it wouldn't be fun. Would it now?

Glade doesn't show his body or his eyes to anyone (Hence the goggles.) . His eyes are not normal eyes. even in a skeleton sense. his eyes look to be projected on his face glitching with multiple colors when his thoughts or mood gets to...over board. If his skull is cracked, his vision may become black and white or gone all together.

Doesn't sleep but when he does its not much different then being awake. he doesn't dream and he can hear everything happening around him.

Tends to get shot often. HMMM

Likes: Metal, Mechanics, Machines, Technology, seeing how things works, making things, His Babies (Inventions), playing around with math, jokes, puns, pranks,

Dislikes:  What he is, Having his stuff stolen or broken by anyone but him (and his friends to a degree), being touched, 


Undergreed x Glade roleplay with my friend Alice/Lemon
Glade met G and John while he was hiding away on their flying ship.

G- when they first met they kept jokingly teasing each other, their personalities and sense of humor going well together. G ended up sneaking away from john to meet glade at his home where they got to know each other a bit more. They got close pretty quick and the flirting and jokes never stopped. He ended up kissing G the day he was over, to save his life..after the dumb dum drunk the liquid from Glade's glass. After that they ended up going for a date and Glade found himself falling for G, even just a bit. There date was nice and all was well but the next day G revealed, that though he did like Glade, he actually liked john. Glade was secretly hurt though just smiled the unofficial breakup, simply saying that "no worries. I wasn't taking this seriously either." and goes on about how it was just all fun and games. After this glade helped John confess his love to G as he previously revealed to Glade (the day after g snuck off and learned they had hung out) after trying to kill him. (Thats all in the past though~) So G and john got together and though it hurt Glade and caused a whole series events of bringing up bad memories he wanted to forget. Glade slowly looses the feelings of love and end up becoming best friends with G.

Old about g XD They often flirt with each other and they may of Kissed once but it was a bro kiss. G was dying. Things happened. Glade did it to save him.

John (Goggles)- John didn't like Glade all the much in the beginning, actually Disliking may be too small of a word. He tried to kill him a few times and of course always failed. John met Glade the day he had snuck on the ship, which of course was owned by the grouchy John, and where John shot at, threatened, and tried to question. Glade joked, teased, and simply smiled, Which of course made John hate him even more. It really doesn't help that G takes an interest in Glade and had snuck out to see him once. I don't even know if John knew they had ended up sort of dating for a bit (Sort of being the key word) But John was very much not in the mood to let Glade live when he finds out about the meeting. John quickly finds out that shooting Glade did nothing in terms of 'killing him', all shot up as he Glade had let John do, Glade had found out that John liked G and never told him and one of the phrases that stick in their mind on to the future is Glade telling John "Man up or G is going to get stolen you idiot." A day later, After G admitting to not liking Glade, But instead John, Glade puts his feelings aside and helps John and G get together. All in all. John is salty about this, destroys something of glades (a prized possession), and something ends up happening to a moping Glade of which John had been there to witness due to G making him apologize.
Later John and Glade's relationship develop into pretty good friends who like to purposely get on each other's nerves. John was also the first to figure out about Glade's eyes.

Era (Kid)- Tba

Moro- <3 Moro and Glade met around night time while glade was out of his factory. Moro tried to hot wire a car and Glade ended up helping out for fun. As thanks Moro then took Glade for fries and they kinda flirted the whole time, Glade wasn't being serious of course but as it turns out neither was Moro because when Moro walked back with glade to 'Moro's home', Instead of enjoying fries he wouldn't be able to taste, Glade is met with a Humanoid Rabbit and his gun wielding goons. Turns out Moro worked for him and the car parts Glade had stolen that day he snuck on G and John's ship to hide, well they belonged to This Rabbit. Moro is paid for bringing Glade who is as always calm in the face of weapons that technically couldn't kill him, expect they could kill Moro which they try, Betraying him. In the end Glade ends up smoking the place with home made colored smoke grenades (as he was already planning to do) And on a whim saves Moro in the aftermath, scooping him up and running back home through the alleys. Glade is 'Hurt' and so is Moro so he patches them up and they talk about the whole thing. The flirting starts back up and after a day or two Glade and Moro grow feelings for each other. Glade was falling for how unfreaked Moro was about his strange glass form and how adorable the skeleton was when they blushed and Moro was falling for what i assume to be Glades caring nature to him and such else.
Though of course glade is determined to push away Moro and those feelings..WHICH IN HINDSIGHT FOR HIM WAS STUPID TO DO BY THINKING KISSING MORO AS HE PATCHED UP HIS NEWLY BROKEN ARM AS A SORT OF WAY TO BE DONE WITH IT! he wasn't thinking. He was too enthralled. Anyways Moro takes it as a sign that Glade likes him and glade just pushes him away again and Moro ends up running away and being captured by the rabbit. It would be easy to just let him go as he kept saying he wanted, but, Glade tells him self that Moro must be safe first.
Glade ends up opening up to Moro a bit and eventually decides not to push him away any more. though has Moro wait for him to figure out his feelings since though he knew he cared for the skeleton, it felt different then what he felt for Russo.
So all in all! Glade is a sucker for Moro in the end, cares for him, finds his blushes adorable, is comfortable around him, finds him cute, enjoys carries him around as punishment, and finds it easy to gets distracted by the skeleton's clumsy nature. Glade would probably consume poison or a sandwich if he would be happy.
Au's he has been (not all visits are cannon)
Undergreed- (will link owner later) He met John and G here after stowing away on their boat.