


AGE 15
RACE/SPECIES Rouge Wickerbeast
Tupper is a smol happy wickerbeast who dreams of flying a plane (even though he has never even seen one in real life.). Being a Rouge and just kinda strange in general, he is often bullied for his dream. But in true anime protagonist fashion, he doesn't let it get him down. You can often find him reading rather outdated books on planes and chilling in his "plane log" (a precariously positioned log stuck in the branches of another larger tree)

NAME  relationship 

write a little description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam placerat accumsan erat. Morbi consectetur augue erat, sit amet iaculis odio ornare sit amet. Vivamus ullamcorper purus non lacinia blandit. Donec odio ipsum, rhoncus sit amet ipsum a, hendrerit scelerisque nisl.

NAME  relationship 

write a little description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam placerat accumsan erat. Morbi consectetur augue erat, sit amet iaculis odio ornare sit amet. Vivamus ullamcorper purus non lacinia blandit. Donec odio ipsum, rhoncus sit amet ipsum a, hendrerit scelerisque nisl.

NAME  relationship 

write a little description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam placerat accumsan erat. Morbi consectetur augue erat, sit amet iaculis odio ornare sit amet. Vivamus ullamcorper purus non lacinia blandit. Donec odio ipsum, rhoncus sit amet ipsum a, hendrerit scelerisque nisl.


  • Planes (obviously)
  • Mechanics in general


  • People telling him what to do
  • Boredom


  • Originally was designed to be a sad female emo girl, But after a few off sketches, it turned into a cute, vest wearing aviator looking character and I ended up rolling with it.
  • Named after a slang term for Tulpas (even though he is techically not related to Tulpa experiences, I just liked the sound of it.).
  • Before the name was decided, Barry and Tip were also considered.
  • He has a accent/speech pattern like Kicks from Animal Crossing.