Edith Archell



3 years, 9 months ago




Full Name Edith Archell

Age 47

Gender trans woman

Pronouns she/her

Sexual Orientation bisexual

Height 5’7




- Leader in a rebel organization(the Citlevian rebellion is divided into branches, each branch has their own leader and each leader is a part of a larger council. Edith is the leader of the central branch).

- 20 years ago she was drafted in a war against a neighbouring country. The war had been started on false pretenses by the corrupt and power-hungry king, Jasper. She ended up being severely injured in an artillery explosion(that's how she lost her leg + broke her jaw) then discharged from the military. Having come to despise the monarchy and government, shortly after that she joined the rebel movement.

- Her and her husband, Maxwell, have an adopted daughter, Rosalie. They took her in 13 years ago after her father was killed. Rosalie’s father had previously been Edith’s and Maxwell’s close friends.

- Determined and steadfast. Extremely stubborn. She's gone through a lot of shit, and it's only made her more tenacious. Very straightforward, but kind; she isn't one to beat around the bush or sugarcoat the truth, but she isn't rude about it.

- Very warm and loving towards her family, but with most other people she tends to come off as pretty serious/stern. But she's not half as uptight as she seems; she's just very stressed and tired. She’s good at what she does and is responsible for a good part of the rebels' resurgence since their initial defeat. But that responsibility weighs upon her heavily. Outwardly, she’s confident and self assured, but a lot of that is just an act. She feels a lot of pressure to live up to the previous leader of the rebellion, who was killed by the monarchy and has since been held up as a flawless martyr among her comrades.