Emrys Derlavell



3 years, 9 months ago


Emrys Derlavell | male | elf | 185 cm

Loyal attendant to house Hesgothia, and Edelweiss in particular.
Takes care of administration and menial tasks, somewhat proficient in diplomacy, fights using a bow and arrow. He’s a busy man.

Loyal, level-headed and responsible, he’s a very reliable ally.
Voice of reason to Edelweiss when she wants to rush into things or do something imprudent, he is not afraid to scold her but it’s obvious it comes from a place of caring.
Will get highly flustered if Edelweiss tries to initiate anything romantic, worries about the difference in status about the two of them but will also embarrassedly flirt back.
Motifs/symbols you can draw them with: scrolls, ink, bow & arrow, wisterias, hydrangeas

Setting: Hesgothia is located in the vaguely medieval European inspired continent Granphalia. Lush forests, hills and meadows abound.
The angels live on the continent of Urymiel, consisting of floating sky islands with waterfalls cascading down to the Earth. Imagine something like this: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-77nmkMSEbBI/VgYTjLz0ddI/AAAAAAAABaw/1wJ260SLTew/s1600/2015-09-02-203647.jpg
Demons live on Hel, floating shards of an asteroid that shattered from the impact. The land is hot and acrid, consisting largely of rocky peaks. There’s a great contrast between the richer and poorer parts of the land.

You can draw them with:
♥ Edelweiss (mistress/childhood friend) - Emrys and Edelweiss met in their teens when Emrys entered the employ of Hesgothia castle. He was initially hired for menial and administrative work, but the two quickly became friends and Emrys was assigned as Edelweiss’ personal attendant. He’s the voice of reason to her antics and is often strict with her, sometimes bordering on overprotective. There’s some unresolved romantic tension there for sure.
Ilya (rival/travelling companion) - Somehow they manage to push each other’s buttons very well. Ilya considers Emrys to be beneath him and only really tolerates him as part of his duties, Emrys of course doesn’t take kindly to the holier-than-thou attitude and is wary of him getting close to Edelweiss. They grow slightly more friendly as they spend more time together, but always remain a squabbling couple.
Lucifer (enemy) - Yeah, these two just hate each other. Not even a shred of respect. Emrys wants to protect Edelweiss from Lucifer’s shady deals and influence, and of course Lucifer wants to wrest her away from her overprotective attendant who he thinks doesn’t know what’s good for her.
Soren (friend) - As Edelweiss’ personal attendant, Emrys obviously got to know her brother Soren as well. Emrys is at his most friendly when interacting with Soren, and they often engage in deep discussions about philosophy, religion and the meaning of the world.

Common activities you can draw them doing: practicing archery, doing paperwork/writing scrolls, doing butler-y house husband tasks like cleaning and cooking

Additional stuff to keep in mind:
He has gold jewelry on one of his ears only, though it’s optional to include. Don’t put it on both ears though.
The cape is optional.
Feel free to draw him with his hair down.
His monocle is gold, not black.