Emman Marivan



3 years, 9 months ago


death god's left hand

name emman athair marivan
age 33
birthday march 2
gender trans.pngnb.png nonbinary
pronouns he/him
sexuality aro.png aromantic
species human
height 170cm (5'7)
occupation Elehandro servant
valet of Zaldae Elehandro

created in 2016

For that cobalt-coloured sky's sake, I shall stain my hands crimson one last time.

The youngest son of a lower class rice farmer family, Emman's everyday life ended at the age of 8, when the mafia raided his town. His family ended up dead - he was allowed to live when the mafiosos realised he's an aura user and, therefore, valuable on the black market. It was then that Zaldae Elehandro, the Jauna of Esear, saved him, taking him under his wing. Soon enough, however, he realised that his saviour may be even worse in some ways, as he found himself stuck in a hell of different sort.

Emman is a proper servant: serious, studious and perfect in every way. He's not unlike air - unnoticable, transparent but necessary for sheer survival; without him, nothing can run smoothly. Underneath the facade of a perfect servant, he has deep running mental health problems, including but not limited to anxiety issues and trauma. The one thing that matters the most to him is not getting in Zaldae Elehandro's way - he doesn't care if it means becoming his tool, he wants to preserve some semblance of his own safety. He's gotten his hands dirty with his work enough times; he's come to terms with the fact he's a bad person. Emman is a walking, talking secret - his gaze may be fearful but every now and then, a tinge of pure hatred appears in his eye.

  • candles
  • fresh ink
  • scarves
  • strawberries
  • trains
  • writing
  • baking
  • dogs
  • nobility
  • sarcastic people
  • social events
  • snakes

extra notes
  • ambidextrous
  • his arms bear many bruises; they're usually covered up by the sleeves of his uniform
  • keeps a journal and writes poetry in his free time
  • urban legend: Hand of Kirrharh
  • associated imagery: chains, handwritten notes, swords, newspaper clippings, telephone wires