Svetlana Kalashnikova



3 years, 9 months ago


puppets on strings

name svetlana ruslanovna kalashnikova
aka bittersweet
age 284
birthday january 31
gender woman (cis)
pronouns she/her
sexuality bi.png bisexual
species demon
height 165cm (5'5)
occupation barista

created in 2014

Running head first into danger is not something I'm fond of but...

Svetlana raised herself and her younger twin brother, Semyon, after the two were abandoned as children. The two spent their days on the move before settling down in the forest next to a small Anassian village. One day, she left with a circus troupe due to a contract with one of its members - from that moment forth, the two twins lived in separation, their relationship complicated. Currently, she's working as a barista in a Puhutian cafe for non-humans.

Her face perpetually emotionless, Svetlana is the more withdrawn of the Kalashnikov twins. She's had trouble expressing herself from a very young age and not much has changed in that regard. Her face, nevertheless, matches her demeanor - she's a stoic individual who doesn't have a strong opinion on most things in life. She's not particularly driven towards anything but it's not a problem for her - she likes her way of living just fine. Svetlana finds it very hard to form connections with others and prefers the company of spiders and dolls to that of people. Back in the day, she used to be more hostile towards others, more controlling, seeing them as little more than prey or targets - with time, she mellowed out and grew to be a relatively polite woman. She has no problem acknowledging her past behaviour. She, however, has a habit of not apologising. As such, her past still haunts her in a myriad of ways - some more obvious than others.

  • ballet
  • dolls (of all varieties)
  • coffee with milk
  • pastel colours
  • spiders
  • close physical contact
  • smartphones
  • stains
  • strong winds
  • the smell of blood

extra notes
  • right handed
  • autistic
  • pants over skirts
  • usually pairs baggy or loose cutesy sweaters and tight pants; likes bows, frills, soft fabrics
  • associated imagery: dolls, ice, ribbons, strings, jasmine flowers