Cathy Woods



3 years, 9 months ago


Catherine Woods was a black, British transwoman who was born in 1937 as Phillip Lindsey. She came to the full realization that she was a woman at the age of 10 and starting wearing feminine clothing in secondary school. So, it was known by almost no one that she was transgender. She wore bras, corsets, and girdles that were stuffed to achieve a desired shape. In college (when she was 16, still in "high school" for my fellow Americans) she met Damon and Veronica's son Reznor Woods and after a little fun in his car, he was the first person in the school to find out about her being trans, so as he promised, they were happily married (in 1955) as soon as they graduated.
She became a happy stay at home mom for their baby they adopted in 1957.