Marnie's Comments

Hello! Would you possibly accept art for this cutie? It's totally fine if not ^^

Hello! I do need the points but I might accept art depending on how many pieces and how long these may take. Do you have any examples? :) 

Absolutely! Here's my deviantart gallery:

And here are some examples of trades I've done with others:

My usual first offer is two digital fullbodies, but honestly I'm open to whatever type/amount you think is fair, so feel free to add on to that if you feel like that's lowballing ^^ Today is a bit busy for me, and possibly tomorrow as well, but I would most likely be able to finish each piece in two to three days. Again, totally fine if you'd prefer to hold out for better offers! ^^

Thank you! Your art is very impressive. Could you possibly do two digital fullbodies and one digital headshot? 

The characters I would like drawing are ferals (and a pony), is this ok with you? 

That time is fine, it's just a standard question I ask due to bad experiences in the past. :) 

That sounds perfect! I would absolutely be able to do that! Thank you so much! :D I've drawn both ferals and ponies before so that works just fine for me ^^

Just send me the characters' links whenever you're ready and I'll get to work as soon as I can! :)

Great, thank you too! I will put them on hold for now and transfer them when the art is complete c: 

For the headshot, please could you draw Ellis with like a sweet little smile kind of thing? 

For one fullbody, please could you draw (she's a pony with a dog's head)

And for the other fullbody, please could you draw Angel /

Is this ok? :) 

2 Replies