Milky's Literatures

3 years, 4 months ago
1333 2

Explicit Violence

Content warning for mild descriptions of violence and gore, as well as death. Final scene between Alistair and Milky. It'd be helpful if you read what's on this chain ( for context.

Teaser: "Mustering whatever fading strength I have left, I look at his face, which is now impassive. "I've told you so many lies, each one worse than the next, and now it's come back to hit me. But please believe me when I say that everything I've said today is the truth. And the final truth I'm about to tell you is the most important of them all."

"I've always tried to deny what I feel for you. I put my selfishness before you. If I hadn't, this wouldn't have happened. it's my fault..."

"...But know that I've come to terms with it. In everything I do, there's a little bit of you. In everything I say, there's a little bit of you. I've said it before, and it's true! I'd give my life for you. I'd give my life-- OOMPH!""