


3 years, 9 months ago


Everything I do is for the good of the pack. You'll understand one day.


female . eastern wolf . protective

Ever since Frostbound was young enough to understand what being the heir to the Frostfall pack meant, she took it upon herself to train hard to become a worthy leader. A quick learner, Frostbound was praised by her pack for her intelligence, confidence, and effortless charisma - it was clear that she had more than enough potential to lead the pack. Frostbound was also blessed with the elemental power of ice, making her one of the few elemental wolves in the area. Elemental wolves were viewed as graced by the deities, only strengthening Frostbound's claim to the throne. Her sister, Blossom, was also an elemental wolf who was gifted with the power of fire, however... strictly contradicting the Frostfall pack who worshipped /winter/. Thus, Blossom was viewed as cursed despite her being the second heir.

Frostbound tried to protect her sister from the ostracization but realized that would only hurt Frostbound's reputation, as the others would view her as someone who sympathized with the cursed. So, the sisters only grew further apart, with Frostbound working even harder to secure her reputation and become the best (cue Pokemon theme song). Eventually, Frostbound and Blossom's relationship would grow even more strained as Blossom would plot to overthrow and dispose of Frostbound ... a very deadly game of chess, indeed. Though it may seem like Frostbound is such a perfect wolf, she's as guilty as Blossom is in this game of trickery.


  • She sheds her horns every summer
  • Her favorite color is not blue - it's unsurprisingly silver
  • Her favorite flowers are bluebells
code by 00Ishikawa00