


3 years, 9 months ago


Second Lieutenant Xugogo

-Has one eye

-despite being a hardass, he has a unique ability to really connect with others

-his scarf acts as an extra pair of arms

-weapon specialty unknown

More just blurbs:
So, Xugogo used to work as prison guard. He was assigned to work with criminals who were known as being impossible to work with as all of them would refuse to talk to others no matter what. Xugogo spent time with them and began to understand them in a way no other prison guard had before. Jisoso, the keronian charged with 14 accounts of murder instantly became extremely personable if given a deck of cards. He would talk in between magic tricks but would often refuse to talk if there was no way for him to put on a show. Ahrara, the Keronian charged with one account of arson, was kept under heavy lock-down after repeatedly assaulting others, more cases of arson, and destruction of property. The intense twitching, stuttering, and violent outbursts all but faded after he was given a simple lighter. As it turned out he has tourettes and anger issues which cause him to have outbursts when he can't control his ticks. Fire, however, calms him down significantly. Kynunu was charged with several accounts of grave robbing and his home was littered with Frankenstein type monsters. He is avoided due to everyone seeing him as creepy. Xugogo allowed him to participate in art classes and learned that Kynunu just has a twisted idea of art and loves destroying items then putting them back together in different ways. His favorite medium, however, is dead bodies and he has extensive knowledge of biology and anatomy.
After he was able to get through to the prisoners they became very easy to handle. It was decided that Xugogo would lead the prisoners in a platoon