Faye - ⭐



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Faye

Age: 26

Birthday: April 1

Star sign: Aries

Gender: female

Sexuality: pansexual 

Status: in a relationship with Liam!!

Clan: Phi

Ability: duplication

Flavor: peppermint

Personality: spunky, ambitious, obnoxiously happy, loud, excitable, giggly, silly, mischievous, cheerful, compassionate, hardworking, a go-getter, can be childish at times, has an extremely big heart and doesn't care about judgement or haters

Likes: singing, dancing, being the center of attention, having fun, being herself, letting go, being around others, just enjoying life

Dislikes: negativity, those who bring others down, politics, competition (always wants to get along with her "rivals), cruelty, being told what to do

Lives: Mercury City, Phi

Occupation: Solo idol/pop star with her own clothing line which she models for. She designs her own onstage outfits then sells the designs in her line. Stage name is "Faerie Grim." Clothing line is called "Fairies Fantasies." Her style of music is the floss equivalent to earth's kawaii metal (think Babymetal and Doll $ Boxx).