


3 years, 9 months ago



Name : nightlight
PREFIX –– for her dark, speckled fur that resembles the night sky
SUFFIX –– for her light colored markings
Pastnames : nightkit, nightpaw
Age : ~3 years
Birthseason : winter
Gender : female (she/her)
Rank : healer
Residence : the huntsman group
Mentor : koi (former)
Apprentice : n/a

Summary : a pretty molly with splotched, dark bluish black fur. her coat is lightly speckled with white markings.
Breed : turkish angora
Eye Colour : blue
Height : 8.9 in.
Body Type : lean and small
Tail : fluffy and long
Scars : n/a

hard-working . logical . temperamental

nightlight often appears to be lazy or unmotivated, but in reality is very specific and clever. she’s intuitive, intelligent, and knows how to use things to her advantage, always thinking logically. she can have quite temper and always jumps to her own defense, along with being pretty vocal of her own ideas.

don’t be fooled by her cute smile, she’s never afraid to start an argument and has a hard time getting over grudges. despite this, she is generally a nice cat who is willing to help when needed. although logical, she does have problems with swooning over the littlest of gestures.

  • flowers
  • stargazing
  • medicine
  • fighting
  • being doubted
  • waking up early
Fears : she has a fear of abandonment and a difficult time opening up to others. she also fears that she will never be enough.
Habits : when she's stressed she'll go out to look for herbs without telling anyone.
  • she loves flowers
  • even though she has such an intense fear of abandonment, she develops and looses interest in crushes very easily
  • her fur is very soft

Herbial Knowledge

Father : crow: a black colorpoint tom. he was very cold and calculating.
Mother : lilian: a silver molly. she was very gentle, but a pushover.
Mate : n/a
Crush : honeybadger: a black and brown molly with a star-shaped scar over her eye. she's very socially awkward, but nightlight found it endearing. nightlight now has a long-standing crush on her.
Kits : n/a

nightlight was born into the huntsmen group in the midst of a cold and bleak winter. growing up, she was very sweet, but quiet. she would always seem to judge a cat’s character before deciding how she would respond to them- a trait she picked up from her shrewd father, and one she never quite grew out of. despite being cold to nightlight, crow seemed to truly love her mother. lilian was often picked on in the group since she was seen as weak, and was killed in an accident when nightlight was only around 5 moons. crow blamed nightlight for this incident, despite the fact that she wasn’t present, and often scolded or ignored her.

once she was apprenticed as a healer, she believed that she would be able to make a name for herself and make her father love her again (though he had never shown her love in the past). she worked hard and was a very quick learner, but her efforts were in vain. no matter how hard she worked, crow never paid her any mind, and only continued to isolate her until his death. because of this, as well as the general opinion of healers in the group, nightlight lost hope and began to act outwardly lazy, though her work was still meticulous. she believed that if everyone already believed her to be careless and lazy, she might as well present herself in that way.

as she grew older and more accustomed to the harsh reality of medicine, she began to believe that she needed to be a pillar of strength. she believed that if she wasn’t, the emotional trauma of failing to help cats would finally catch up with her, and she would prove to be the failure her father always believed she was. additionally, she thought that she needed to be strong for the cats she had to treat.

code by jiko