


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Siren Kenosha


5'6 | 170cm




Indigenous (Ojibwe)


Camboy | Idol in training


Cats, attention, praise, good luck charms, the occult/paranormal, FOOD, tight fitting clothes, his camshows


cat allergies, dogs, milk, isolation, being ignored, rulers (object), small enclosed spaces



Siren is a new idol and has immense issue’s with attention/crowds of large people. From a young age he’d always dreamed of being fawned over or someone to be admired, but this dream was often put on the back burner due to his controlling mother.
His mother had focused all of her attention onto him ever since the passing of his father, insisting Siren become an applicable man so that later in his life he could become financially stable and not stressed. Siren constantly studied, was given many personal tutors, and took the maximum amount of AP classes, unfortunately no matter what his mother tried, Siren really couldn’t keep much in mind.

 He was kicked from 3 AP classes, His personal tutors had often fought with his mother about how unteachable he was, He was often up late due to his mother insisting that he continue studying. When at school trying to take a break from the stress at home, he was clumsy and often made social situations much worse even if he didn’t speak. If he looked a certain way at someone, or tripped and knocked over important supplies for a project, it always came back to him doubled in pain and misery.

 Eventually the small time that he could finally be alone at home, he recorded himself singing small covers and uploaded them online. His soft and gentle voice attracted many fans. He became stagnant in his studies and focused on working on his song covers more. Eventually, he was spotted by an agent and was given the opportunity to work for Aria Productions Studio. After his mother had found out, she ceased all contact with Siren. Siren now works a small part time job to pay for a studio apartment alongside being an idol in training for Aria Productions.



Siren is incredibly self conscious and soft spoken, due to years of emotional abuse from his peers and mother, and physical abuse from his tutors. (View extra) 
He often worries about bothering others, or that nobody will accept a boring, clumsy, and stupid person such as himself. He has no qualms for when people are rude to him and will apologize often, especially if he realises he didn't get permission to think or act a certain way. He is easily frightened and there isn’t much Siren wouldn’t cry at, whether he be happy or sad.

When getting along with Siren, he becomes flushed with happiness and though timid, try to interact with you more. He is naturally quiet, so his answers may be short or a mess. But he genuinely is delighted to meet someone who is willing to take time out of their day to talk to him.

From the Emotional and Physical abuse, It has rendered Siren almost completely of trying to act on free will. 
Desperately searching for someone to give him orders and is willing to do almost anything to recieve praise or attention in return. Although he prefers positive attention, he will still openly accept negative attention, such as pity, anger, disgust, abuse, heckling, and sympathy. Because he doesn't understand much and has decided any attention is better than none is partly reason why Siren has the part time job he has, despite it being a danger to his Idol career.


 WIP !!!