
3 years, 9 months ago


A new beauty of an oc in the cast now! Meet Bluma, a magical satyr who's ever kind and quite maternal! This glowing lass wasn't always that way. When she was born, they were raised with love by two parents that doted on her in a wonderful large forest. A community of satyrs who practiced many crafts, magics and farming. Her father is a woodcarver and sculptor that created fine works of art to sell whilst her mother a sorceress that trained in the arcane arts of magic. Bluma followed in her mother's footsteps to one day be like them. She'd go out with her every day to be with nature, its beauty surrounding the pair nicely.

Every spell through books, memory and other ways were handed down to Bluma. Bluma loved to garden which developed into a refined skill over time. But one thing that piqued her curiosity growing up was the way the women of the community would at some point be pregnant. The satyr studying about it through the means of texts, even asking questions from her mother. One thing that was constant would be the modern machines of cutting down the forest trees. Having the creatures terrified, pushed more and more further to get away. She herself and the others of the community watching with horror of what was happening.

Bluma's community did have communication with a lot of the people who lived outside the large forest. They've always had peaceful relations in regard to medicines, potions or other necessities to trade. Though, time had moved forward with large businesses trying to harness the large trees for wood back in the large city that needed it. Never even planting or asking satyr community about using it. For Bluma, this had to stop wanting to soon make a stand. The satyr of course celebrated at age 21 in becoming a full-fledged sorceress. Her mother and the community gave their blessing by being handed a regular staff to create the perfect magical staff to use.

Bluma spent time thinking to create a unique staff of her own. She began to gather different elements of wood, flowers, pieces of gold and an oblong shaped blue gem. The satyr then using her powers went to work: the staff itself grew more branch like twisting around towards the top with some branches sticking out. Some dark green vegetation appearing nicely whilst a vine made its way down the staff with flowers coming forth from it. A beautiful ornate handle shaped itself, fanning out smoothly around the wood of the staff looking like a flame. Even a round piece of gold protected the bottom of Bluma's staff. The final piece was that blue oblong gem, where staff's upper half had twisted around it snuggly then glowing bright.

Bluma smiled happily looking at her handy work seeing how beautiful the staff was. It fit her hand just as rightly with the golden handle. Her parents and the community in awe of how creative the young satyr had become! She then would ask if she could go out on her own using her magical powers to protect the forests and others. A bit worried her safety but knowing she was grown up, allowed them to see the world. Her mother had created a beautiful two-piece bikini like outfit! The dark blue two-piece with the bottom having a splash of light meshed so well. The top had a beautiful golden chest piece with shards of blue gems shining. Her mother even had extra accessories for them: four golden amulets with blue gems there placed on both horns & hooved feet.

A fashioned light blue tail braid with blue gems was placed on the upper part of her tail by Bluma's mother. The satyr looked in the mirror feeling so pretty. She thanked her parents and the community that helped raised. Bluma with a bed roll and other amenities packed magically headed off into the forest on her own. The walked through feeling the magic from within the trees and the nature around her. There was one thing she felt missing through as they spotted a cave to rest. She remembered her mother saying how some sorceresses store magical energy in many ways. But the way she wanted to store the magical energy would be never done before.

Bluma was going to have the magical energy be a reservoir in her womb! She got out some magical texts looking over them to get the spell just right. They concentrated peacefully breathing as the staff glowed having the spell commence. Her belly began to grow gently as their womb swelled with magical glowing energy. She watched in excitement till the spell was completed. The satyr now permapreg with all the magical energy stored glowing a bright luminous green. Bluma added some additional effects that would make her permapregnancy interesting. For one, her womb would swell each week and month with more magical energy as if she were having a child at nine months.

Their womb would still continue to grow even after the 9 months were up. It was essentially an endless supply of magical energy storage. If she used any energy it would deflate till it reached back to its default what she was right now at the moment. Another additional effect would being able to quickly swell her womb up with more magical energy in case of emergency. Of course, her belly would be heavy but not burdensome! Bluma smiled at her glowing orb of a belly rubbing it so gently spending the night in the cave.

She would wake up the next day and go on to journey towards the city. However, there was one thing she had to do and that was stopping the chopping of the trees of said forest. The satyr traveled to the group that were about to start another session of chopping trees. Bluma stood on a perch with her staff at their side proudly. The tree cutting company a bit puzzled at what she was doing. The tree chopping machines drew closer to the satyr before all of a sudden, the machines instantly halted. The tree cutters were confused more so as a supervisor demanded to know what was happening. They saw Bluma standing before the machines and workers angrily shouting at her to get out of their way. She didn't move an inch staring down at the supervisor and workers with glare. They tapped their staff on the ground sending a beam of magic that had roots going around the feet of each and every worker including the supervisor.

Bluma called approached them all saying that the forests were protected with the cutting needing to be stopped instantly. The supervisor surprised by the being stuck called her a witch of evil. She shook her head explaining that her people had made much pleading to halt the chopping of the large forest but fell to deaf ears. Bluma would be the protector of all living things including those in and outside said forest. They asked for anyone higher to come talk with her immediately. She used her magic to have the roots let go of the workers and supervisor; sitting down to rest a moment.

It wasn't long when a bigger higher up (CEO) came out the site with the 7'5'' satyr waiting. A female lion in business suit met with Bluma to talk out a deal. The decision was made to halt the chopping of the trees and to have herself and Bluma's community come out to decide what could or couldn't be cut. Bluma offered to refill the forest with her magical power, the CEO most curious. The satyr using her magical power grew out her belly instantly using it to store more magical energy for an emergency. Eyes of all workers and the CEO were as large as dinner plates seeing it all happen.

Then, Bluma using a spell began to grow back part of the forest as trees and vines came from the ground surrounding them all. The trees grew wide and tall to the point it was if they never were chopped in the first place. And all the while Bluma's giant glowing belly was deflating quickly with the magical energy being used as it came back down to its normal small, orbed size again. She thanked the company for understanding her point of view and hoping to have more communication in the future. Bluma's act was heard from all over including her community.

She was lauded as a hero for her people and all the living things around them. Bluma continued her journey onwards reaching the city. It was much livelier and busier than she was used to. Many citizens of the city eyeing the glowing orbed woman with a staff in awe. The satyr kept walking around the city till she reached a lovely looking flower shop; sign reading "Zahra & Ivy's Exotic Flower Shop". She entered inside to see a lot of flowers on shelves in sections. Many of the plants she had and never seen before whilst walking around. A large strong three headed jackal stepped into the aisle where Bluma was at greeting them as Zahra. The satyr told this was her first time in this city; prompting the 8ft tall jackal to respond that she recognized who they were. Protector of the forest as social media said according to it. Zahra called out her other coworker want them to meet Bluma.

Another 8ft tall woman came about all green and beautiful eyeing the satyr. Introducing herself as Ivy, the part plant Yuan-TI spoke of how brave Bluma was in protecting her home. She admired them for standing up and using her magics for good. The pair of workers decided to do something rarely done unless if it were friends or a person who was of moral standing. Each revealed to Bluma there were a goddess almost having the satyr just about bow to them. They both assured her they were in good hands and her act was one of righteousness. Zahra commented how beautiful Bluma's glowing womb was making them blush. The trio got together soon after talking about their powers, magics and other good things.

Bluma said she'd make a home in the forest with a garden due to the busyness of the city; but did offer to sell potions and medicines on a stand. The two goddesses helped the satyr get a permit to sell on the streets with her being very thankful. She then went to work building her home in the forest using enough wood and other materials to make a beautiful rustic one. Had a couple rooms included: her bedroom, a kitchen and eating area, a bathroom, a spell room/library and extra bedroom for guests. They even had a garden that they grew fresh natural fruits and other foods naturally for sustenance and potions. Her parents came to visit Bluma's new house surprised to see her pregnant permanently but happy to see her using for good. Bluma's mother so proud to see them using a reservoir of womb to cast spells.

And now presently, the sorceress with the help of Zahra and Ivy met a lot of their friends they were close with. Belle Iclyn and Cole Seabiscuit excited to make another pregnant pal except permanent and magical! The pair showing off their surrogacies to Bluma who only politely asked to rub their tums. Vik and Vincient showing also how they used pregnancy in a more sexual yet beautiful way that even a male could look handsome pregnant. King Vincent even invited Bluma to one of his royal balls to which she obliged. Tocky the living plushie such a precious thing for the satyr to meet that they couldn't stop hugging them! Harley the demon hippo protecting and showing the night life at the dance club. Nazara and Caleb both having the sense of showing a much more relaxing side with massages at the establishment the naga owned.

Heck, Nazara and Bluma were excited that they both had a fascination in potion making. Milo and Pepper being a pair of busty packed people made the satyr blush red in the face. The pink skunk complimented on Bluma's beautifully designed outfit many times (and still does). Xissea the demon goat invited the Bluma to a rock concert experiencing the highs of rocking out whilst berrying up. The concept of berry inflation being learned by her for the first time. Professor Sophia Berry looming over the satyr gave so much information and doting to her. Bluma used the studies of blueberry inflation with different spells to try out with. Dr. "Blue" Razz Berry being the big southern sweetie was so glad to have a new friend. The satyr happy to see both Sophia and Razz using their permaberryness for good.

Lalita and Minnie were another pair wanting to meet another magical being of goodness. The permaberry moo caught Bluma's eye for not being only permaberry but being mute. She wished to give back her voice, but Minnie assured her (in sign language) that they were happy. Barbara Beetrix had a friend in Bluma for being protective of the forest like herself being protective of her clients. Zoe the Doberman became fascinated with the satyr's story that she invited her onto her stream to talk about their story.
Last but not least, Patrick Nightwind would be the little wolf every friend of his loved to dote on. He met Bluma at her home feeling quite cozy in this rustic, beautiful place. Though his friends didn't say she was pregnant with magical energy permanently.

Bluma was told how pregnancy made the little wolf blush; using this bit of information to tease him a tiny bit. But she understood where he was coming from! She and him had a fascination with the concept of pregnancy. The satyr showing Patrick how big she could get (and still get). He in return wanting her to show what they did for work. Hug-A-Berry opened Bluma's eyes as well being in surprise to see 10ft permaberry demon giraffes walking around working. She even loved the concept of some of them being pregnant with a blueberry in the Growth & Farming sector. The PDGs themselves amazed how Bluma glowed literally and figuratively.

Though, there is one person the satyr would meet soon after. It all happened on evening when Bluma heard a rustling noise in her garden spotting a small figure hiding and running in between planted fruits. She used her magical staff to shoot a spell that would incapacitate (not hurt) the intruder by blueberry inflation. The intruder turned out to be a mouse that was so precious to her own eyes. They took them in, asking for their name (being May). Both of them rested until the next day the mouse and satyr got to know more about one another. May wasn't trying to intrude but was hungry for food. Bluma offered a place to stay which she agreed to. The mouse did love being on Bluma's head using her smaller front horns as handles. They'd grow closer in relationship at one point; but that's another story.~

More information about her:
*She's permapreg with magical energy
*Bluma can use many spells that includes inflation, nature and much more
*Her belly's size doesn't have a limit; it'll keep growing till she starts using the magical energy
*Their tail is long and can be used to hold stuff and people!