🐶 Archibald 🐶's Comments

Hello! If this bab is still up for sale, I'd like to offer $6 for them ^^

Yes, they're still up for offers! You're honestly the first person to offer so far XD Anyway, I think I'll go ahead and accept the offer since I want this guy to find a home since he's been sitting around for a few months. Here is my PayPal

Seriously?? They're such a cute bean! I just recently started actively using TH, despite having it for over two and a half years and more recently discovered the search for up for sale/trade feature, which is how I found this Corgi. 

Payment sent -- thank you so much!

Yeah, I put him up for sale almost as long as I had him up on dA, so he's been waiting around looking for a home for a little over 4 months lol Anyway, you're welcome and I'm glad that you like him! ♥