Dr. Pyotr Volkov



3 years, 8 months ago


Name(s)/Alias(es): Dr. Pyotr Volkov MD
Age: 30
Date of Birth: January 19th 1980
Location of Birth: Dwellingup, West Australia, AU
Ethnicity: White/Slavic (Celtic/Russian/Mongolian)
Sex/Gender/Pronouns: cismale (he/him)
Languages Spoken: English (UK), Latin, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Polish, Serbian, Mongolian, Slovenian, Japanese, Chinese (Cantonese)
Religion: Russian Catholic
Zodiac: Capricorn / Year of the Monkey
Blood Type: A
Height: 5'11" (180cm)
Weight: 180lbs (82kg)
Body-type/Build: Average, slightly chubby.
Hair: Red, shoulder length
Eyes: Red
Voice: Monotone and serious London accent.
Teeth: Clean.
Hands: Clean. Obsessesively washes.
Upkeep/Hygiene: Clean. Obsessively washes.
Scars/Burns/Markings: Animal bite (shark) on his left shin.
Facial Hair/Tattoos/Piercings: Trim mustache and goatee/beard. Doesn't like tattoos/piercings.

General Personality: He's very stern and icy to everyone except those closest to him. He's a workaholic and would rather discuss that than anything else. He prefers things scheduled and punctual. Any inconvenience angers him. As his brother says, "He's as much personality as a brick."

Occupation: Medical Director and Head Doctor of Volkov Hospital in Melbourne
Financial Status: Wealthy
Hobbies: Working. Studying and reading things related to his practice. He also enjoys cleaning.
Skills: Intelectually, he's good at ANYTHING he picks up. His physical skills lack however.

Likes: Medical sciences, psychology, chemistry sciences, traveling, reading, cleaning products
Dislikes: Social events, any sort of chaos  
Favorite Food/Drink: tea, coffee, and simple sandwiches or biscuits
Favorite Music/TV/Movie/Book: Fancies medical journals and textbooks
Favorite Color: White/Colorless
Favorite Animal: Platypus

Physical Health/Diagnosis(es): Healthy. Just a bit out of shape.
Mental Health/Diagnosis(es): Autism Spectrum. Mild Obessive Compulsive Disorder.
Emotional Health Status: He's very stable.
Level of Intelligence/IQ: Extremely intelligent. 140+
Social Skills: Hardly any. Doesnt like to socialize.
Triggers/Fears: Mysophobia. Also gets anxious about the ocean and sharks.
Pain Tolerance: Average.
Special Physical Abilities: All his special abilities are mental, not physical.
Smoke/Drink/Illicit Drugs: None.
Criminal Background: Clean. However, his practices are a bit dodgy at times. He got his brother out of trouble a lot.

Relationship Status: Marries Azure
Sexual Preference: Asexual until marriage
Romantic Preference: Demiromantic
Parents/Guardians: Mikhail Volkov (dad, deceased) and Jessica Shane (mum)
Siblings: younger brother, Rowan
Children: None.
Pets: None.

Typical Items on Hand: his cell, pens, wallet (containing credit cards, key cards, and photos of his wife), his own medication.
Weapons of choice: None, he'd rather run for it.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Temperament Humor: Phlegmatic
Enneagram: #3