Oregano (Rego)



3 years, 9 months ago


ART NOTES: Feel free to draw him with his fellow carjackers Derek and Stac or with a car or with his brother, Mozzy

His sole purpose in life is to steal cars (as well as your heart).  He has a nice collection of fancy cars including a Ferrari, 3 Porsches, a Tesla, 4 Mustangs, and a Jaguar.  

More words to come...words words words...

He's the brains of the gang as well as the founder and leader of it.

His girlfriend is some sweet and innocent floppy earned dog (maybe a cocker spaniel?), with brown ears, and white fur with spots, she wears a cute little blue dress with white flowers, she's adorable, quite the contrast to him. He would protect her with his life. She gets kidnapped and he has to save her. He thinks it's the rival gang but they would never sink that low, it's an outside party (or at least not the trusted members of the rival gang, they even help him get her back (its in their best interests)).