Neebi's Comments

Why are they a cutie 👏😳

ee thank you so much! :0 

sorry for the super late reply-

if you are still interested, i can give them to you for free after I find the art that I haven't uploaded yet:0

Yes please! I would love to have them, they are an absolute dreamie!! <3 

No problem! btw I searched but I couldnt find the art 🧎‍♀️Maybe I should have uploaded it I sooner but anyways im transfering rn, thanks for the interest^_^!

It’s alright! If you ever do find the extra price of art just let me know if not that’s fine! <3

Thank you for transferring them! I’m going to have fun drawing this bby sm!! I just love your designs and find them to be a inspiration!! Keep up the amazing and fantastic work!!  (•̀ᴗ•́)و♥︎
I hope you have a lovely day!! ♥︎

Sorry to ask this if I am not suppos to but would they be for sale or up for offers? <3