SILAS • 씨라스's Comments

Does anyone on my open for offers folder interests you?

thanks for offering! unfortunately i did not see anyone i'd use and i'm prioritizing his full resale value of $40 ;;

It’s all fine!

Are they still pending or are they available?

silas was pending from the previous trade, sorry! he's mine and not available!

Ok! Thanks!!

Jenova-PULSE hello!! idk if you're still interested/your offer still stands but i was super interested in the offer you made!! i saw a few characters i'd defo trade for, but i'm assuming you were only offering to trade the ones listed under the 'main trades' section? <:3c no worries if you've retracted your offer, tysm for the interest regardless!

NAH MAN I'm just dumb and just. Really don't want to overspend oTL I'd be down to trade if you're interested in the characters from the main trades, yes! I can still offer 20$ + trade, so please let me know if that would still be cool with you <3

that's perfectly understandable, no worries HAHA =v=b i can definitely consider that offer though!!! <3 aside from alphinaud, the character that caught my eye the most was this babe although,,, he's in the sales section so i'm not sure if you'd consider trading him at all? TvT no worries if not! 

i'll admit, either way have a few offers to go through for this character, so i hope you dont mind me taking a bit of time to consider everyone! tysm!

I'd be down to trade that character even if he's in the sales section, so no problem there! I could do Alph and that character together for Silas.

Let me know once you decide! I'm gonna crash, it's 1AM for this poor European lmao

heya again!!! sorry this took to long @@ unfortunately i've decided to go with another offer but thank you so much regardless!! i truly appreciate you taking the time to offer ;v; <3 

i hope you have a good day!

That's fine! Thanks anyway for letting me know <3