May I adopt?

Lol, this is a species, and this specific one is the mascot. XD You can make one if you like but this specific one isn’t up for adoption.

OK thank you 

No prob

I would be very interested-

There is a DA group now if you’d like to check it out :) There is species info up.

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There is a DA group now if you’d like to check it out :) There is species info up for anyone like yourself who wants to make one. :D

This user is not visible to guests.

You can make them without a DA account but just can’t join the group. 

This user is not visible to guests.

Yay! No prob x3

I love them!

Yay x3 Thanks!

There is a DA group now if you’d like to check it out :) There is species info up.

Done :3

Yay! Thanks so much for joining 😊 

Honestly they look pretty cute. Are they gonna have any trait rarities? :o like certain body parts are rare to have. Or perhaps they have some sort of a power linked to the crystal? ^^

Yes to the trait rarities but for the gem, I’m not sure, but that would be cool, so probably.

Thats pretty awesome ^^. And there is always a few magical powers they could have based on how they look or how the species is. Elemental powers perhaps? Or others. Lol sorry for talking so much they just look like an amazing species to me ^^

Oooh, that would be cool! It’s all good :3 I don’t mind ^-^ Thanks for the idea :) 

You're welcome ^^

There is a DA group now if you’d like to check it out :) There is species info up within the group.

requested to join ^^

Thanks! :D Request are approved automatically ^_^