Jayden Firearrow



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Jayden Alexander Firearrow, Jay, The Black Prince, JayJay (don't), Alex


??? (somewhere around 150)


Star Warriors




Archer Catsclaw (apprentice, current) Teron Savador (apprentice, former) Star Sero (mentor, former)






Lightning (the ability to create, manipulate and control lightning and various other electric things) Music (the ability to create music) Physically enhanced


Basic Info

Jayden is the current leader of the Star Warriors. He was formerly a part of the Brotherhood, as an assassin, where he developed a relationship with Melody. He is 5' 7'' and Archer is his apprentice. 

 His closest friends include Shiro, Silver, and Wolfen (though he is quite close with all the leaders). His deputy is Raven. He has a younger brother, Jax, whom he loves and it very protective over.


Jayden is a quiet, serious person. He is kind-hearted and sensitive, though very analytic and well-organized. He is constantly thinking and creating plans for things, and can't stand not having everything worked out, though he is a decent improviser if need be. He is respectful to most everyone and very humble. He tends to remember things very well, and due to photographic memory, he never forgets a name or a face. He loves to make people feel happy and important, and is very affectionate to those he cares about. He is both commanding and soft-spoken, with a take-charge personality but a gentle way of leading. He is rather reliable, a person you can always count on, and patient to extreme levels. He is very observant and hard to hide things from, and tends to be enthusiastic about things he has a passion for. He is loyal and extremely protective, willing to protect his friends and family even at the cost of his own life. 

He has a bad habit of overloading himself with work and staying up far too late to get it done, which is why he usually seems a bit tired. He represses his feelings, and doesn't let others see when he's hurting. He doesn't want people to worry. He has a confident air which makes most people respect him. Due to his past, he can be somewhat mistrusting and quick to judge. Some people view him as cold or heartless, since he never seemed to care much when he killed an enemy. He tends to shut off his emotions when he's fighting or something hard is going on so that they don't inconvience his ability to make desicions. 

He is an ISFJ-A (The Defender) 

Weapons and Fighting Style

Jayden uses a scythe to fight, but he is also quite capable with a bow, guns, fighting knives and swords. His fighting style is a mix of many different styles. Over the years, he has trained with many different people and learned a number of different methods and skills. His speciality is assassination, be it from a distance or close-range. He trained for years to perfect the art, and is able to kill swiftly and without emotion. 

Currently, he only kills when he has to. He is regretful of his days as an assassin, even though it was against his will and he couldn't help it. 

He uses his Lightning-Gift often while fighting, but it perfectly capable of fighting without it and chooses not to rely on it too much. Due to his physical enhancements given to him while he was at Brotherhood, he is much stronger and can take far more damage than an average person can.