Magus Augustus



3 years, 7 months ago


A psychic Jerboa-Hedgehog mix. Leader of the Sun Valley Zone in my fan worldbuild ('Magus' is their leadership title and 'Augustus' is their name).

In this setting, the Sun Valley zone (based on a zone of the same name in fleetway sonic the comic that has no particular lore) contains desert, mesa, mountains and scrubland, and the culture there takes design cues from IRL cultures such as the Paracas peoples, and south+central asian countries like Nepal.

Augustus is a cultural leader who is part of a religion focused around some of the god and spirit-like entities from the sonic franchise: Things like Chaos, Solaris, ghosts, chao and even artificially made energy-based beings. Their third eye is a congenital trait (think of 'two faced' cats and 'cyclops' baby animals) as opposed to a magical object or cybernetics, but after a lifetime of training it can be used to 'see' the chaos alignment of individuals. Think of the mechanic in Shadow the Hedgehog where heroic chaos energy was a blue glow and 'evil' was red as an easy example. 

As well as this extra form of sight, Augustus has generic 'psychic' abilities: Things like telekinetic levitation of themselves and objects, and limited ability to reach into the minds of others to learn information.

Physically, Augustus is healthy and well cared for, but not unrealistically sturdy like the main cast of the sonic franchise.