
3 years, 9 months ago


image0.pngMy main Fursona ^^

Name: Lw Sadie

Breed: Wolf-Husky mix

Age: 26

Status: Married

Sexual orientation: Straight

Mate: Zank

Pup(s): Lissy


Lw Sadie was born into a pack mixed of dogs and wolves, it was said the pack was started by star crossed lovers who defied odds of dogs and wolves being forbidden together and died together to bring them together. This information is important for later in the story.

Lw’s mother was a husky and her father a wolf, Lw was born and was considered a “perfect balance” of wolf and dog. As she grew older she was happy and had a peaceful life. However, there was a wolf that she had known as a pup who was raised to despise dogs, we’ll call him Ventus. Ventus saw Lw as the perfect mate, to him she looked most like a wolf he could overlook the flopped ear she was born with.

Lw had went to hunt on her own and wasn’t present for the slaughter as Ventus had a group of wolves attack and kill her pack, her parents and her friends. She came back to be horrified and that Ventus was in the middle of it all. There was no one to save so she ran from Ventus and his group as they went after her.

Lw ran into a human trap and was taken to a facility where they did some experiments, to her surprise they weren’t harmful but she didn’t know she was injected with a substance that would later appear in her anger. Mako.

She was set free some time later on when she met a group of canines, one had odd pink eyes and called himself Zank. She was taken in by the group which she soon discovered was apart of a rebel pack who had heard of the slaughter that happened to her pack by Ventus.

As time went on Lw spent more time with Zank, eventually the two confessing feelings for each and became mates. Lw gave Zank and pup of their own they named Lissy.

Word got to Ventus and he became enraged, someone stole his perfect mate and he would use force to get her; Lissy became older and more adventurous when Ventus found them and the rebel pack. He wanted to use Lissy’s life as leverage but that choice would come at a cost.

Lw froze but instead of submitting growls came from deep in her throat and one of her eyes began to glow and odd green color, almost like it was leaking out of that eye. This would soon be named “Mako side” a wing like pattern appeared on her left side in black and soon attacked Ventus before he could react. By the time Lw came to her senses Ventus was bleeding and begging for his life. To prove she would never become like him she spared his life but warned the next time he wouldn’t be as lucky.

She worried of her mate and pup but both were glad to see her unharmed and safe. The pack welcomed her as a strong warrior amongst them and celebrated their victory for now.

When Zank and Lw were alone and Lissy sleeping they both voiced their thoughts and both agreed they didn’t think Ventus would just stop but would try again but they would be ready no matter and stand together for their daughter’s future. Of course Zank didn’t plan to let Lw go anytime soon as he put it “he missed learning how to share in pup school”