Raphael Belonte



3 years, 9 months ago


#162 Raphael Belonte 
- As always the final owner can use, adapt/change or ignore this info-  

Age:  Unknown
Being type: Archangel

A bit of story...

- Was the punishing squad sent?

- Yes, didn't they tell you?

- No, they know I was against it.- He leans back in his chair and sighs wearily.

- It should have happened, cause is no other way out.

- He'll kill them all - that's the only thing I know; - a grin touched his lips.

- A whole squad of punishers? They´ll drive him crazy.

- Or he them.

The second angel walks nervously through the hall, pondering something. Long wings sweep the floor, he pulls them in and they disappear.

- You should have gone there yourself. And end this once and for all.

- I don't care and I don't need it.

- With this attitude...

Raphael looks at his interlocutor without flickering and shakes his head.

- I was against it, they didn’t listen to me, they deserved it and I... don’t care, as I said, - he turns to the window and the light blinds for a second.

- What will happen if we´re left without punishers?

- Don’t worry, I think he’ll show them mercy. - The ironic tone angers the angel.

- If not, it´ll be your fault.

- One more, one less.

- Stop it... They'll send them for you too.

- Whom? You said that there would be no one left, - a small laugh. - Especially since they´re too scared in their big and bright Council.

- And if they catch him?

- Maybe I should go and watch, it's probably a funny spectacle...

- You' re unbearable!