Sci-fi thingy

Background info/synopsis/word vomit: 

1997, the advancement of technology has allowed scientists to begin further study of the brain and the ways trauma and the quantum world coexist together. 

Set in an earth where certain “powers” exist, though they are not magical in nature but scientific and psychological. These abilities can not be earned by extensive training and focus.They only dwell in those whose mind has endured a severe traumatic event. If an individual’s heart stops and they are resuscitated, there is a much greater chance these abilities will manifest. 

It is currently unknown what causes these responses to trigger in certain individuals. It is theorized to be connected to an aspect of quantum-DNA. 

Many different forms of these abilities, or, in more technical terms, quantum-neurological PTSD responses, exist. Not all are known and not all are fully studied, but the recent advancement of technology has allowed quantum-trauma psychologists and thanatologists (in the case of astral responses) to study these responses more accurately. 

The hope is that these studies will help control and stabilize those with these responses to overall benefit the quality of their life. 

Currently, there are around 4 responses that have been documented, not all are equally understood.

Astral projection, or the act of detaching one’s “spirit” from their physical body. While in a detached state, the individual can not interact with those whose spirits are still attached to their bodies. They are able to communicate with others in that state or a spirit that has lingered for a short bit. The way one is able to detach their spirit is by forcing their spirit out of their body, this is not always done on purpose . As of the latest studies, this response only occurs in those who have been resuscitated. 

Telepathy, the ability to read and manipulate the inner thoughts and feelings of others. The way this is able to be done is not fully studied, however scientists have a leading theory that some with a telepathic response, or a telepath, is able to connect their neuronic brain waves with others and then subsequently read those brain waves. The accuracy in which telepaths are successfully and purposefully able to read someone's mind verbatim is currently at around a 40% success rate. Scientists do not wholly know what causes this response but it is thought to be derived from chemical imbalances within the brain as well as the presence of emotional abuse found within one's childhood. 

Photographic telepathy, the ability to perceive possible memories and events that have happened in another's life. Whilst closely related to telepathy, photographic telepaths are unique as they are able to observe actual moments in an individual's life, not just their current thoughts. This ability is very difficult to control and the memories come in the forms of visions, hallucinations, and dreams. Those with this response often experience migraines, hot flashes, and shortness of breath. This response is the least understood out of the currently known response. Currently scientists hypothesize that this response is done, as well as caused, in a similar way to telepathy. 

Astral observance is a response that enables the individual with this ability to see astral projected spirits as well as spirits in general. Not only can astral observers see spirits, they are also able to communicate with them. The exact way they can see and talk to spirits is not fully studied, however the most accurate prediction scientists have is that whenever this response manifests in someone, chemical changes and imbalances occur in the ocular and perception regions of the body. This is currently the easiest controllable response that has been documented, however it is one of the most difficult responses for an individual to fully process. This ability, similar to astral projection, often manifests when one is resuscitated, however that is not the only thing that can cause this response. Severe, physical traumatic events can also trigger this ability due to the hard conditions the body and brain are put under.